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virgin broadband

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kloofnek | 23:14 Wed 02nd May 2012 | Internet
27 Answers
Is anyone having problems with their Virgin broadband at this minute,Also cannot watch any recorded shows on my Tivo box.They say network issue but my internet was working then,It was a bit later then found I had my internet problem.


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You asked about problems with BT. I have friends who have been with them years and have never had ANY problems, but thats because I got them all!! Needless to say when my contract was up i left sharpish. I have now been with Plusnet for 15 months. I have had 1 problem in that time, it was a Saturday afternoon and as i rang the helpline, based in Yorkshire, i was prepared for a long wait and lots of elevator music, BUT my call was answered on the third ring and within ten minutes my problem was fixed. The internet is a fickle thing, what works for one doesn't always work for another.
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Plushnet...will take a look.I always shop around .Have been with
with v got to take telephone to get tv pack I think?
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Sorry,went before finished:
I was saying,,,I have been with VM for about 15 years,when it started out as NTL.
But,apart from the problems I have had with them,must be honest,it is only now and again but not happy about it,I feel I can get a cheaper deal than I have with them.

So must look at all my options,
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Just had a quick look at Plushnet..seems it is not Unlimited access as it says about during the night one is not using their monthly a connection fee.The T-Mobile one is unlimited and no connection fee and inclusive anytime calls to UK landlines and 0845/0870 numbers.
However,like I said will shop around a bit more.
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Sir Prize
Tried the phone number you gave me,no longer available...

My tv is back to normal too.

Going to ring them now...give them a piece of my mind!!!
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Rang them...oh Lord...could not understand a word he was saying...load of garble!!!
However,he put me through to a department regards offering me a new package price...she only had a slight Georgie accent...thank God.
Result; Got exact same package as I have now for £16.40 less...a special discount for being a long-standing customer.
Plus she gave me some advice about what to do when loss of internet or problem with Tivo box..a direct number where I will jump the waiting.She said to ring as soon as I realise there is a problem,they can sort it out right away then,apparently.

I told them I was thinking of getting my BBand elswhere.

If I have just the TV package with them,no phone etc.would cost me almost the same as I am paying now for everything and if I have TV and phone...MORE .

So am happy with the new deal...goes to show what one can achieve by complaining....nicely.

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