I've just registered with a large garden supplies website and when I went to log on this message came up..
"Although this page is encrypted, the information you have entered is to be sent over an unencrypted connection and could easily be read by a third party".
(There's the option to cancel or continue)
Is it anything to worry about? I don't shop on the internet very often, I'm a bit paranoid. :)
shoves Woofy out of the way
The window cleaner has been so it's just the vacuuming Neti ,dusting ,oh and the bathroom needs doing ..lol.
Hope you're all as well as, misty dreary day here.
by eck, it's a bit parky out there. I am going to have to go into town as I believe I have found a pressie that is cheaper in the shop than on the internet.
Hi all. Had a lovely day. Shopped til I almost dropped. Went into Bennets for a lovely lunch paid out of my £10 government Christmas bonus. Then a good walk up to my elderly Aunt and Uncles. Then back to town to look at the lights they weren't very abundant (is that bad grammar Jno ) but they were quite pretty. Then home remembering to get off the bus to pick up my car I'd parked conveniently near the bus stop.
I hope the weather becomes sunnier like they are promising. I don't mind if it's frosty but just brighter.
I've just watched a programme in the Children's Hospital Birmingham. So moving in to ways. It brings a smile to your face and a tear to your eye. I know there's a word for sayings like that but can't think of it. Oxy something or other.
University challenge now. Have to go and test my brain. Lucky if I get 1
Laters Gaters.
We went into town today for the last time before Christmas. It was very noisy and crowded and I didn't find much. There were loads of kids out with their parents which I didn't expect. Tomorrow I have got the dentist, just a check up.
yes, Oxford St was quite busy. And it's weeks to go. But I suppose people were doing the same as me.
The shop didn't have the cheap pressie in - they looked on their computer and they've already put in a request for 629 more this week - but they took my order and will hold their price.
Good morning everyone. Dark and dull here and I dont mind a bit.
Oh Oxford Street, I give anything to be there now, all xmassy and colourful.
Even this little island has it's decs up already and apparently they are lovely at night when lit up, I alas do not see them from my mountain shack, but it's our 39th wedding anniversary tomorrow so we may take a trip to the bright lights.
Hope Mr S is feeling better today.
Regent St's look nice but they are all ads for Night at the Museum Secret of the Tomb. You'd think the cheapskates running the shops there (including Apple) would pay for their own decorations rather than getting 20th Century Fox to do it for them.
good morning all. Tis grey and windy here. just seen the forecast and temps are going to plummet this week. Today is small errands day then tomorrow big sort out, empty dec boxes put out of the way and so on. Hi Ho, Hi Ho!
Hope Mr S is feeling better and Jno's toe is behaving itself. Robi are you feeling less peely wally?
Hello all
Another dull foggy day here .
I love the lights ,very pretty .Used to love going to Oxford St at Christmas time .Hope you're all as well as. Mr S is a lot better and more his usual self .
If he's eating rollmops for breakfast then all's well with the world .
Been so busy rushing hither and thither. Seen two lovely white leather sofas on sale here and am 2nd in queue. Have already arranged transport so fingers crossed.
The coroner still doesn't know the cause of death of nephew, so no death certificate ure. Funeral arranges for 18 dec. Wish I could get there. But flights now £400 .
forecast around here is minus 1 at nights end of this week. I am kind of pleased as I have got some fabulous unworn winter clothes. Dentist delighted with my teeth and has suggested a decent plumber to fix my shower. Second christmas parcel has been posted (doggie secret santa) and I think I have finished christmas shopping. Tonights cocktail is champagne with a splash of hibiscus liqueur because I was brave at the dentist.
Evening all. Another not too bad day. Tai chi was so relaxing today. Then off to a pub called The Royal Oak for lunch. I had a home made pasty and mushy peas. So tasty. Called at the Sainsburys I used to work at and it took me about half and hour to buy 1 bottle of milk, 1 bottle of Baileys and some yoghurt because I bumped into about a dozen people I knew. Mostly those who were working there.
Tomorrows job is putting my Christmas tree up then I'm off to school.
Pleased Mr S is on the mend Shaney. And Robi hope you're feeling better now too.
Jno I've never been to London at Christmas. I bet it's lovely. I don't expect they're careful how much they spend on decs. and lights. Another grammar question for you. Is that word oxymoron, when you say something true but contradictory. I suppose I could soon find out if I googled it couldn't I.