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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
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Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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hello all, weather came in at 1 am and life has been interesting since then. Much pacing and worrying. Things calmed down around 11 am so we got some sleep, now waiting for Tesco delivery and the next onslaught.
I've inhaled, blown, sucked and rubbed all things menthol, but eye still achingcand running. Totally fed up with it all. Friend bought me a lovely handbag for winter. Her OH bought here some Chanel sunglasses, 350€! I ask you, I pay £3 in Eastbourne for mine. I think its silly. Mind you having said that I have seen a nice pair for €20 so may treat myself!
back to the mexico Neti!
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It's still slopping down here .I'll be floating out to the middle of North sea before long .Hope it's better weather somewhere .
Yes go to the doctor Neti ,no good feeling unwell like that especially in the heat.
Night all.
Morning all...bright but feels very chilly in the breeze (12C). I'd send it to you neti if I could, sorry you're still suffering, hope you feel better soon.

I have 10 good reasons (at the very least) to feel grumpy. The main one is this silly routine I've slipped back into of waking about 3.30/4am then falling asleep and having stupid dreams when it's time to get up.
Hey ho...ooommm....
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Morning all
Bit of a nip in the air this morning .At least it isn't raining but it's promised for later.
Nasty accident just along the road late last night .Looks as if someone skidded in the wet off the road into a tree.Hope nobody was seriously hurt.
good morning all. Its much cooler and fresher here and we are least we hope to if the weather doesn't come back.
Bought my posh 20€ sunspecs today as pension came through. Off to Pacha Flowe Power tonight so am resting now. Back tomorrow.
Fingers crossed we have had our dose of bad weather for today.....more forecast for tomorrow.
Well it's been a thoroughly wet, cold and miz day. Apart from a bit of shopping I've done nowt. Can someone colour my sky in blue and add a big yellow sun please? I think it's pie 'n mash'll warm the kitchen up.
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Pizzing down again here after a fairly sunny morning.
It's a bit rough out to sea ,but there are some hardy souls on the beach .
I like pie and mash .Used love going to the pie and mash shop in Tooting years ago.Pie ,mash and liquor ..oooh.
We've got a gourmet tea .Birds Eye battered fish fillets ,new pots and salad Even the salad is ready prepared by Morrisons .....Foodies eat your heart out .I do hand grate a bit of chs for over the salad though :)

Its coming over black again here although nothing is forecast until tomorrow. I had a hot dinner too, chicken kiev and frozen roasties with tinned sweetcorn, it was delicious.
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I was eating my dinner and the spuds were very tasty ,local ones ,anyway, I got to thinking of years ago and Dad had a veg plot in the garden when we lived in Kent and this time of year Mum would cook the last of the new spuds , the runner beans and then quarter up the toms and we would dig in with plenty of s&p and a huge dollop of butter and salad cream.
Sounds weird but it was sooo tasty.No meat involved.I'm sure food tasted better back then .
Still piddling out there so I'll piddle orf to bed .Night all.'s not a good one, it's dark, cold and wet. We certainly don't need sunspecs.

Many moons ago I used to have veg in my garden and there's nothing like potatoes taken from the ground and put straight in the pan. I hate all these prewashed spuds but it's all I can buy locally.
I grew my own toms up to a few years ago but when my little pvc greenhouse collapsed I didn't replace it.
I see it's tomato throwing festival today in Spain, where else? I might have one of my own, I've got a list of targets :)
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Morning all
Same here ,very windy and rain starting in 11 mins .
I think summer such as it was has packed it's bags and gone.
I used to have one of those little greenhouse but it went for a burton in the bad weather and I never replaced it .
My brothers tomatoes have been a disaster this year for some reason .He usually has a good crop .
Good morning, hope you are all well. Had a great night at Pacha, I danced on a podium all night. Got home at 5.30am. Off out again for dinner tonight.. our pots are earth covered and I agree they are delicious!
Buongiorno. Well, this isn't very nice weather, I'm starting to be sorry I came home. We did have some heavy rain in Italy a couple of days ago but it went away and I spent yesterday morning strolling by the lake. (The afternoon going to the airport.)
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Buongiorno to you too Jno.Welcome back .Hope you had a lovely time .
You'll have to swap your flip flops for wellies.
Buongiorno jno... bentomato... :)
hello all, we have had waves of wevver since 5am again and we are all getting a bit weary. We doze off between attacks and then wake up and cuddle each other when it gets nasty.
I grow spuds in containers and they are delicious. You don't get a lot its true but its fun unearthing and seeing what there is and they really taste of potato. I have never bothered with tomatoes, my Dad used to grow them and curse a lot then my Mum used to curse when he insisted on festooning all the house windowsills with the green ones which never seemed to ripen. Homegrown also scrape beautifully whatever type they are.

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