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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
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Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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Had a horrendous storm, lasted ours, had dishwasher on back patio and it flooded causing leccy to bang loudly. So I had to don my wellies and wade round and unplug it. Mr N wouldn't. All working well. Hes gone to collect friends but airport tunnel is impassable so had to detour. I've been cleaning and washing and dried our bedding, but all sorted now. Also made a thai curry, with pad thai noodles and Jasmine rice. Shattered. Ache all over. Dining room roof leaked.
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That sounds awful Neti .It got out lovely here after all so I've been poodling about in the garden .Hope your friends arrive safely.Calm down,stop rushing about in the heat and enjoy the company.
Note to self.When decanting half a bag of frozen peas into a ziplock freezer bag do it near the sink and then you won't have to sweep them up off the floor when you drop the whole lot .
oh dear you two a day of calamity....Shaney I will lend you my dogs next time, they LOVE frozen peas and would have hoovered up the lot. We finally have got the rain here after a heavy grey afternoon.
Neti I hope you enjoy your visitors.
We finally have dry weather, curry was nice, now in my bed so tired, nite all
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Lol Woofy ,Shaney used to like frozen peas .
We had omelettes and I managed to drop an egg on the floor,so more mess to clear up and I just went to unplug my phone from the charger and realised I hadn't put the switch on.
It's been that kinda day here so I think I'll go to bed before I cause any more chaos in the hope I'll drop off myself .
Night all.

Its still raining here and too muggy to sleep so we are watching american police procedurals.
Very early good morning each. I'm having a can't sleep night but I feel ok. Thank goodness. Not coughing now as much. Still taking my last lot of anti-bis.
Hoping to get my hair cut tomorrow. My garden looks a bit neglected but after today it's well watered!!
Shaney I've finally caught up with the biggest pile of ironing. Did it all except for 4 pairs of PJs and 2 tops just didn't have the energy or the 'want to' to finish it.
Thanks again for your 'getwells'. . See you soon......
Morning all...dull and cloudy, I'm waiting to peg out.

Don't wear yourself out too soon Jude. It did rain yesterday didn't it, all afternoon. My sis and bro-in-law came with multiple tools of mass destruction and did some trimming and tidying for me, luckily they were done and gone to the tip before the heavens opened. I can't wave a hedge cutter about these days but I feel obliged to muck in and help somehow and ended up with screaming areas I'd forgotten I had.

♫...Rollin, rollin, rollin, keep them peas a-rollin....Birdseye!...♫

haha, sorry shaney, it's the all the pills. I remember grabbing a new bag out of the freezer, completely forgot I'd already opened them and, of course, I was holding the sealed end wasn't I and they all emptied out.
Charlie loved them too and he'd lie with his snout pressed against the freezer waiting for that escaped one to come out :)
I think I'll hard boil my eggs today :)
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Morning all
Drizzly mizzly here and very muggy .There's never two days alike lately.
Glad you're feeling better Jude .Take it easy,the ironing won't run away.
Hope the rest of you are ok .
Lol Robinia ,they were rolling everywhere and I bet I'll still find a couple I didn't capture.

Type Your Answer Here...Morning all. My head is so stuffy and fuzzy. Think it's sinuses but no idea how to sort it. Have inhaled menthol vapour and taken an old Sinutab. Just wish it would go. Weather lovely today so friends are sunning themselves on patio.
drizzly and muggy here too. The dogs and I can't seem to stay awake today.
Morning ladees.

Oh my head, we went out for dinner, had mojitos first, then wine with the dinner, then hierbas (the lethal liqueur of the island) then more wine at home and had a pool party until about 2am. But I was up at 8, hoovering and tidying the house, then went back to bed! where I am still.Not doing much today, they can all amuse themselves.
Tut tut ^ ^ ^

Morning...dull and headachey weather here. Not a drop of alkeyhole to blame it on.
good morning dull and humid here too.
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Morning all
Very warm and muggy ,sun trying to get out .
Hope your hangover soon clears Neti. Have a hair of the dog :)
Mr S has already been into town to the market and now I've got five pounds of runner beans to string and slice .Such fun.
Went into the country for the famous tortilla (veg omelette) with friends, but oh deary me, didn't feel too great. Back home in cool bedroom again, where I belong!
No hair of any dog shaney, I thought I could but couldn't, just drank fizzy water and ate little.

I love runner beans with vinegar (throwback from my childhood spent with my Aunt in Essex, as was yorkshire pudding with gravy as a starter to a roast dinner!)
the hot humid weather is back and life is on hold again.
are we all flaked out on the heat? Its cooler here now so the dogs are enjoying the garden....going to be hot again tomorrow.
Morning, it wasn't hot yesterday, it was quiate naice but overcast. I just had one of the days that felt like an episode of One Foot In the Grave. I was telling my sis on the phone and we spent the best part of an hour unable to speak for laughing. I think we drive her OH mad sometimes. Well, you gotta laugh.

Sunny now after a wet start. I might be flaked out later, it's going to get very warm.

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