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shaneystar2 | 00:52 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | Internet
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Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .


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a garden at the back of ours is having a barbecue....which would be fine except they are allowing the children to scream and the dogs to bark just about non stop. I know I sound like a miserable old cow and I don't expect kids and dogs to be totally silent but ALL lunchtime?
I can't abide screaming woofy...the trouble is some mothers (around here) join in! It's possible to play without screaming. I blame television...or the government.
Woofy do you get frogs in your garden? I expect the boys terrorise them :)
I only saw a couple very early this year and none since then. I've usually got them springing out from all over the place, especially after a lot of rain.
I see the very odd one around the pond Robi but we had redleg virus around here about 15 years ago and the population has just never recovered. I don't mind there being less though as I used to have to sweep through the lawn with a garden cane before I mowed to avoid mowing frogs :( I have put in two tub ponds this year though so maybe they will start to come back in other places in the garden.
Yes I was wondering if a virus has hit them.

I was just about to go and sit outside for a while but now someone's got a very smokey bonfire! Must be National nuisance neighbour day.
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Hello all
Lovely day ,just nice with a breeze .Ideal weather for me.
Nice to see you Jude .Hope you're feeling better now.
I've been doing a bit of snipping and weeding dans le jardin too.
Ooh noo not screamers and barbies. Our neighbour has got two cross chihuahuas since they had the lovely old boxer pts and they yap all bldy day long.They have faces only a mother could love
we've had our neighbour on the phone... he's the one who lives in Riyadh and he called up to say his security cam has stopped working and could we go next door and make sure it isn't because he's been burgled. He hasn't, you'll be pleased to hear. Aside from this, there's much to be said for living next door to an empty house; it's nice and quiet.
oh I wish Jno......Its kind of a ripple thing. The houses that have kids in them, the kids grow up and you get mostly peace with the odd party; then the kids move out, the parents downsize and a new generation of ankle biters move in. Its just every time it happens, the parents seem to be a little less thoughtful.
ignore my whinging, its the weather.
I whinge at some point every day.
I'm listening to Paul O'Grady on the radio and he keeps making me lol...the neighbours probably think I'm drunk.
Do soundproofing panels really work?
we cork tiled the entire wall downstairs between our first semi and the neighbours because they used to get drunk on sunday afternoons and scream at each other...It kept it down to a dull roar so I am guessing that the proper stuff would work better. When we sold, we heard on the grapevine that the first thing that the buyers did was to rip off all the cork tiles!! I bet that was fun on the first sunday afternoon!
oh well, you're on the right website for whingeing. We are off to Italy in a couple of days but up in the mountains this time, where it seems the weather will be much like here. Plus a side-trip to Zermatt where it will be in the 50s. So a warm jumper at least sounds like a good idea, and a brolly.
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That sounds nice Jno .Don't forget to send us a postcard.
I dread my elderly neighbour the other side going .You never who you are going to get .Most of the people along here are old fogies anyway .
Plus the houses are not cheap for younger people.Next door only got his at a knock down price as it was sold at auction because the other lot got evicted.
He's knocked most of it down and rebuilt it
Good morning everyone. Another go at posting.
Thanks for all your good wishes. Feeling better each day but still no real energy.Never mind at least I can taste my food again.
Sorry not read everything so I'll say hope you're all B O like you do and getting some decent weather. I did notice Jno you're off on your travels again to Italy. Have a lovely time.
Off to take my last 2 anti-bis then wait for the Dr. to come again. See ya soon.
Morning're in here early Jude, I hope you're gaining strength each day. It feels like a long time though when you're struggling to get back on your feet.
I was up later than usual, didn't sleep very well, my stuffed up sinuses turned to a constant drip and it was making me cough. When I did get back to sleep I had a series of horrible dreams, one about a plane coming down. I flicked the television news on first thing to try and clear my head of it all and the first thing I saw was a survivor of the 1985 Manchester air disaster being interviewed. :(

I shouldn't complain about neighbours, they're nice people really, I could have far, far worse. It just winds me up when I witness a complete lack of common sense. None of us are born with a life manual but by thirty something (and a university education) you should have some idea.

Have a great time jno. Get your boots on, no shorts and flip flops up those mountains, we don't want to send woofy's boys out with the brandy, we need it here.
Good morning all, glad to hear you are feeling better Jude. Robi the sinusitis has been a complete mare this year. I think its the humid heat that does it. Have I told you about my neighbour? He's about the same age as me, should have more sense, he cleans his own gutters, He's got a small single storey extension and he climbs onto the roff with a ladder then hangs onto a washing line with the end shut inside his bathroom window while he cleans the gutter with a broom with the other hand. Its the sort of thing you don't want to watch but can't look away from.
Yes woofy, humidity, cloudy days and air pressure all keeping the pollen hanging in the air. I haven't had such sinus headaches and sore itchy eyes for a long time.
Mountain air, that's what we need. I always wanted to be Heidi. :)
there ain't gonna be no hiking, just gentle lake cruises and a coach trip into Switzerland. No crampons but I might pack a neck pillow, the better to sleep on the bus. I hope the sound of cowbells doesn't keep me awake.

I am sneezing a bit here but I won't when I'm in Heidiland.
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Morning all,coolish day.
Glad you're feeling better Jude .Take it easy and you'll soon be rocking and rolling again .
Fresh mountain air would do me the power of good.Even the seaside air is not that fresh here lately with all the summer traffic.Mind you when it starts blasting in straight from Russia in the winter I'll still be whingeing.
I've been sneezing and snuffling for what seems like months now and also have that constant drip .I've never used so many eyebaths,drops and antiwhatsitsname. Whinge ,whinge
I used to love being at sea because the air was so clean....mind you the hayfever didn't half used to rebound when I got home! The dogs spent much of last night hinting in the garden and want to do loads of sleeping today.

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