Does anyone know if PayPal is down ?
I've ordered things on line today from two different sources and I usually get an email straight away to confirm my purchase but I've had nothing .
The transactions went through according to my account .
Woofy may I ask why you are not entitled to a NHS jab, are you too young? I won't and never had a flu jab, I seem to get broncho/pneumonia more.
Jno that chinese glass bridge has cracked as some tourists were walking over it, can't find the link now, so no I would never ever go on it.
Robi hope you feel better today. Shaney are jude, hope you are both OK:
for some reason on my new Sansung phone the submit button is hidden and it takes several posts before I manage to stab about on the screen for it to submit!
Morning...It's grey and wet.
That should read sunny and warm but no amount of editing will change the weather unfortunately.
That glass bridge made me feel weird and I'd wiped it from my mind until you posted that link neti....oooooh, nooooo.
I can never remember if I'm a year older or younger than woofy but my surgery have said for years that I could have a flu jab,probably because of my history and battered immune system though. I never have but thought about it last year. Ha! That would have been a waste of time.
I am too young for the free flu jab, born in 53. I never used to bother but now I live alone and have the dogs to look after, flu would be a serious inconvenience, had it twice in my like, not wanting a third dose. I am having the post flu jab day, its not awful, I just feel like not doing much (excuses excuses).
I am drooling over this....may succumb as the price is so good
well I bought it. have been drooling over kitchenaids for years (ever since we lived in America which is about 25 years ago). No point lugging one back as the voltage is different and they are expensive there too. I spent credit card loyalty points and you get free extra bits direct from kitchenaid. My sister is going to explode, she knows I have been drooling and keeps saying to me "but where will you PUT it??????"
I have spent today being asleep and feel much better.
Very swish Woofy .Will we be seeing you on next years bake off :)
I've got a food mixer a box somewhere a cheap one from Lidl though.On the very odd occasion that I actually make a cake these days I use my old faithful electric hand whisker .
I watched the final tonight although haven't watched them all this year ,I've been watching the extra slice just to see who was out .I was pleased for Nadiya ,she's a nice girl.Her show stopper was lovely.They all did well really.