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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2567 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017
Hi all. Am having a wonderful time. Wish you were here ( isn't that how its supposed to go?) Up I. The mountain's in Sax now and it I wonderful. Small tatty village on a mountain and I've seen a house I want!!
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drive carefully, neti!

Well back home now. Cat chariry been here for 2 days catching and neutering the wild cats. Also trapping the babies fir adoption. Two have gone today. So many!!
Yes jno we were in Murcia in the deluge. I was terrified . It always rains when we are in Elche ! Visited some super little places ooh and Primark!!
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the weather's been nice here, though only in the afternoons. I have been pleading with the doctor to sort out my heart some more (I'm better but not yet the best) and the dentist to give me proper permanent implants that don't hurt. Not that I've seen either of them, the only people I see are supermarket staff and occasionally the jnrs; baby O always cheers me up.
I'm glad you've got Baby O
My appointment fir urgent breast mammography and scanners finally come through 14 th June and after 10 months my app for rheumatology is this Tuesday! Finding it rather hard tonwalk far these days as feet are so painful but no doubt that'll be something entirely different. At least you have teeth!
hello both I hope you both get sorted soon. Has anyone heard from Shaney? All is fairly fine here but I am so fed up with hay fever and yes I know its minor but I get the dry kind now and pink piggy eyes is not a good look.
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so glad you're being attended to at last, neti. About time. I've been poorly since August and I have to say going private hasn't exactly sped matters up, but I'm mostly okay.
Oh dear we are a bundle of aches and pains aren't we?
My dishwasher can't be repaired so Mr N will buy a new one mañana.
That's a long time to be unwell jno!
Poor woofy that is horrible!
Evening all! Raining here in paradise!
Rheumatology has ordered a brain scan for me! I am deeply offended ! She says I have a strange antibody in my blood also so yet another blood test. I may have this all completely wrong but have papers!
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oh yes, I had a brain scan a few years ago and everyone just asked "Did they find one?" I told them the hospital had had to fetch a bigger scanner.
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how nice to have warm weather. Half the garden is growing jungly after the rain over winter, the other half is dying because it's hot and dry right now. I keep hoping a thunderstorm will water the garden for me but so far no luck.
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be careful what I wish for - a hailstorm almost blinded me while I was driving today, I was in a whiteout and couldn't see a thing.
Hello.all. hope you are all OK. Special hug to shaney
The heat has set in now. Its unbearable although not to humid!
I'm lumbered with 5 wild cats who I thought were being colmecy2d at this age but seems I've been abandoned by the cat charity . I dont want them I can't afford them . One has already fallen in thr pool and hija has tripped over them at night coming home from work. They are so quick and no direction! Home cay has just entered the lounge with a bird for Mr N who was not amused and chased it out. I'll have to find a wild colony for them!
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pleasantly warm here, and I spent Saturday down by the riverside with the jnrs. The hoouse is falling apart. Light bulbs won't go into the fittings, which I think have warped a bit over the years. The fence needs fixing to stop foxes coming in and dumping rubbish all over the lawn. The damp is still rising. But I have an op next Monday to wait for before I can do other repairs. I hope everyone's doing well, especially shaney.
I'm not coping very well at all. I just wander around the house crying.The funeral has taken place and I'm just waiting to hear from the RNLI about when they will scatter Mr S's ashes. I'm totally lost and heartbroken.It's unbearable and I can't seem to pull myself myself together.

I hope they don't find anything untoward with your grey matter Neti.
Every where is so dry and dusty Woofy. Hayfever is miserable. Hope it soon clears up and I hope your op goes well Jno.
Thank you all for your kind thoughts. It's much appreciated.
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so sorry to hear it, shaney, I know what it's like in an empty house and I have no idea (yet) how long it takes to ease off. Are family and friends keeping you company?

I still have ashes in a box on the floor, waiting to take them a few thousand miles for burial. I'll need to be healthy first, hence the ops.

I received an email from the insurer today with a list of payments to mexicos I still had to make because they didn't cover them. I rang them and after investigating said they'd paid them all already. I asked them to stop sending me scary inaccurate emails.
Hello biddies. What mop are you waiting for jno?
Shaney it must be unbearable! So lonely I don't know what to say!
Yes hay fever is awful. I'm getting runny kosed innthrbsyn andjits got very hot here this week. We just do as little as poss and loll about
Seems such a waste of time but its too hot to stay out for long. We're thinking of going elsewhere for a couple of months but no idea where to!
Oops sorry it's netityping again
I blame the heat! Hope you gather roughly what I'm saying!

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