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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2567 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017
Question Author

same to you and any biddies passing by, neti. I might watch the fireworks on TV, I'm paying for them. jno jnr can just watch them down the river from his living room window.

Happy New Year! Did anyone have anything exciting to survive? I didnt! Heard illicit fireworks and a woman at the back screaming and that was it!

Just had a long long walk and it was lovely. Had me a martini and then came home. Now sitting here having sobrasada ( red blood and bits sausage) and cider! I know how to live!

Mr N is at his mate's bbq and its damp and cold!

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there's a Henk of a storm going on here

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well well, just been doing a bit of family history research, browsing old newspapers online and ooh, that's me Dad's photos in the Police Gazette

Oh Henk is down my hometown way!

Was.yiur faf a policeman jno? My f-i-l was in chief superintendent in specia branch. He was bodyguard for 3 foreign ministers !

Our forecast is for arctic conditions but I doubt they actually mean that!!

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alas, no, he was an actual criminal, he helped himself to about £2000 at current prices from his employers.

But though they ran his mugshots in the Prisoners' Photographs section of the Gazette, so cops could familiarise themselves with his face, he was actually given probation, so not a prisoner at all and I don't know why the police had to be alerted. He was straight as a die the rest of his life.

I don't suppose his family would have seen it, as the Gazette was for coppers only, and I knew about the theft already (not from him!) but it still came as a shock seeing his face there - full face and side-on.

Oh jno hang your heads in shame! The sins of the fathers etc!

Had a lovely day out to other aide of island where it is still incredibly christmassy! Then stopped for lunch and martinis in a tiny out of the way village called Forada with the locals and the hippies! Very nice!

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I know, next time I'm charged with stealing stale bread from Tesco's rubbish bins to feed my starving children I shall blame my DNA.


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I'm off to hospital tomorrow to have a hernia put back in its place, behave yourselves while I'm gone

Good luck jno. Its a day job isn't it? Hope jno.jnr will be there with you!

Spain big Xmas tonight. The 3 Kings arrive. If not raining we will go and watch!

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well, that was fun, spent all day lying on a bed with people trying to take blood samples by digging shovels into my arms, and got nothing out of it except pain. I didn't have enough platelets to operate (as my blood mightn't clot properly), even though they gave me two transfusions while I lay there. The surgeon apologised deeply and promised he would call in a haematologist to help out and the op would definitely happen asap. But OMG having to go through all those needles again. I'm not sure I'll have enough veins left to cope - they can only get blood from the back of my hands and the veins there have been battered in the last week. 🧛

Oh lordy jno sounds terribly painful! But glad to have you back with us! So it's a waiting game? Or do you have to eat loads of spinach??

Huge fiesta here today so everywhere quiet. We watched the Kings arrive last night and then the heavens opened. Never seen it so heavy or so cold ! We raced home which luckily wasn't too car away although all uphill! We were drenched! Was so glad to be home!

The Kings were hastily shovelled into the cinema from whence they gave out the gifts.

Today is sunny bright and cold !

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had a pub lunch with the jnrs today down by the river, but it was perishing cold, the wind was whistling straight in from Siberia and up the Thames. Pub burger was nice, but strolling through the park back to their flat was icy. However, Mrs jnr and baby O, with some help from me, mixed up some banana bread that seemed to be 90% chocolate, and it tastes rather pleasant.

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ooh, snowing here now, I thought that was illegal in London. ❄️

To think 60 years ago I would have been relaxing under the palm tree near our front door. 🌴

Hello anyone? How are you jno?. Any health updates? We are having to wear masks again from tomorrow in hospitals etc!

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