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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
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I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017

Oh dear jno not having a lot of luck are you. I can't take ibuprofen as its bad for my failing kidneys! I rarely take anybpainkiller as I usually forget! I moan about pain and forget to do anything ! I take paracetamol if I remember and if it gets too bad I have napeoxeno but that also is bad!

Disney should cheer you up a bit.

How is the lawn? Still flooded?

Question Author

still birds coming to the lawn for a drink. It's not flooded but enough surface water to draw the crowds

I can hear dripping noise near my chimney too. Nothing's actually coming to my fireplace, and it hasn't rained for days,  but the noise is driving me nuts!

Have you got a nest or other blockage in the chimney?

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that's occurred to me, Barry, but what would actually be happening? Is something coming down the chimney somewhere that I can hear but can't see? (My hearing's awful but my eyes are okay.)

I was thinking of a sodden nest slowly dripping down the chimney if you've had heavy rain lately.

If your chimney has a cowl check that it's still in place.

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that's an idea, Barry. I think (with the permission of the other flat owners upstairs) I might get someone up to the roof to have a look. But where would the water actually be dropping to, that I can hear it falling but it doesn't fall in my fireplace (or fall somewhere higher up and dribble down)? I don't know how chimneys are constructed.

Can't you send Baby O up the chimney to have a look. It worked in the old days!

Some chimneys have a bend or ledge, ask your neighbours if they can hear it.  Maybe it is pooling in their fireplace

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that's a point. They had a leak in a bathroom pipe last year - they weren't aware of it; I was when it started coming through my ceiling, and they got it fixed asap.

I wasn't aware that my bathroom had a leak until it dripped on my head.  

We had a leak outside and it cost us £2000 in wasted water. We only knew when the water company told us!!


That would not have pleased me.

How long was it leaking, do you know?

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oh, they're much brisker on this side of Europe, neti. Turned on the tap one day and nothing happened. Walked down the street  and found a Thames Water van, and asked if he might know what was going on. He waid it was planned repair works and everyone would have been notified 48 hours in advance. I said I wasn't. "Ah well, sometimes they forget", he said.

The spirit of mañana is strong in these parts...

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oh dear, sitting at my computer the other night and suddenly I'm thinking "What am I doing here?" My mind really had gone blank for a few minutes - I suspect I've had a teensy ministroke or something like that.  I'm going to be looking up neurosurgeons tomorrow 🙁

What about your GP first?   It may be something else entirely.  

Try not to worry but do get it checked out

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thanks, Barry. I rang 111 (it was the middle of the night - but no, I definitely hadn't fallen asleep); the doc on the phone told me to see my GP next day, and she told me a neurologist would be the place to start. None of us thinks it's very serious - I lost, I don't know, 10 minutes of memory maybe, and in effect the fact that I realised something odd had happened meant I'd already recovered.  But we all think it's worth checking out, if only to be confident it isn't about to recur.

Fingers crossed that your GP gets a handle on it and gets you sorted.

Oh dear jno. I'm also having problems. Went out and left door not only unlocked but wide open! Recycled paper into plastic container! Then made q coffee and forgot to put mug under machine

 All in one morning!

But I'm fine !!

Sounds perfectly normal to me, neti

Thanks Barry makes feel better!!

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