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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 12:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2567 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
23:01 Fri 31st Mar 2017
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put my old fashioned clocks on an hour. I don't have any new fashioned ones except on this computer, but fortunately it's sorted itself out. I'm not even going to bother to tell the oven.

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OMG, just looked at my British Gas account and they've been sitting on £3000 of my money as a credit balance. I have invited them to return it to its owner, but they say because it's so much they'll have to do it in two lots to ensure I'm not defrauding them. I wonder who's the con person here...

Hiya everyone! Goodness me jno thats a lot of money! Hiw are you these days?

Mu kidneys are notntoo good apparently.  How come it takes forever to see a doctor and then mine calls me and I have to go in in tomorrow ?

Lovely weather here ..last Sunday I caught my foot in a loose cover and went flying into Hall . Face palmed the floor. Oh I did hurt. I sprawled there thinking Im bound to have broken something at my age! And guess what nothing! Just two very swollen and sore wrists and a bruised and bloody arm. I can't believe I'm not in hospital!

Off on hols next week just driving round Spain no destination!! Well Primark obvs!!

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Primark sounds good, I expect there are still some around London but I haven't seen one for a while. I got to see the jnrs at the weekend - should I be able to understand a 3 1/2 year old when she's talking? Because I can't.

I hope your feet are okay for walking and driving, neti, or does Mr Neti handle the driving? Will you be dropping in on hija?

I've just been thinking I should call British Gas again and demand my money. I got an email last week saying they were reducing my direct debit from £450 to £120. So generous!

For sent to hospital yesterday as doctor thoughtbl I'd fractured a wrist but is ony badly bruised

Both wrist nasty blue black!

No I've practically given up driving and selling my beloved old banger!

Is baby O three and a half already? Wow. 

Yes all utilities are going up and up+ we are very very short of water in Spain and I'm dreading a water ban before we fill the pool. We'll do it when we get back from drifting around Spain.

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oh I'm glad you're okayish, neti, just as well you got to the mexico. Shame to give up the driving, though. Can Mr N get you round the island when needed?

Yes indeed he can and will Jno!

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well, I'm getting a new bridge with 6 new teeth on it, in a couple of weeks. I sawy the implant man yesterday, and he took out another tooth - not a real one, just a crown - because it was crumbling, but wouldn't charge me. So now I need 7 new teeth, but he'll do it as a 6+1, and then I can eat a steak again.

Hello all? Anyone? Been touring Spain from bottom to top and back again. It's beautiful.  Its been cold

 Back home Friday night!

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I've been touring my garden but the state of it only depresses me. The people upstairs say it looks lovely, though, a lot of the trees are in blossom. Starting to warm up here as well, though it's tried to do that and failed before.

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Hello. Have we disbanded finally? So sad.

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I still hang around here, neti, answer actual questions and post Wordle totals, but everything's got so foul-tempered and shouty.

Hi jno. Getting warmish here now. For an app to se rheumatoid doctor tomorrow after waiting a year!

We've booked a stone cabin in the spanish mountains for August to try to escape the humidity !

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don't think I'll be heading for the mountains, or anywhere, It'll take weeks to operate on my toes (ingrown nails) and months of cleaning and dressing them. Maybe in winter.

Little O has just been to her first hip-hop lesson. It's scary, I don't even know what hip-hop is, but apparently she's very good at it! I am so out of touch with the world.

Aw bless her. No idea either!

I have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and still checking for rheumatism. All I know is I ache!  Dentist tomorrow and he said no cavities but sensitive. I can't believe that it causes such aches! Having a clean anyway ( the very few I now have left!)

Just half painted the garden bqck wall. It's 1 m deep x 5 meters long. But then the sun hit me and I've given up for today! Mr N although retired is still working secretly as he gets bored. ( spanish pensioners are not allowed to claim pension and a wage!) He should be the one painting my house!!! I will now go and lay paint splattered body on patio in the hopes it will tan! Haha hasn't yet in 53 yrs but Hope spring eternal and all that!

Thought I'd pop in and give the place. a clean. It's a bit dusty!

How is everyone?  I'm surviving and enjoying life at thr moment as it pleasant weather and not too hot. Ive painted the outside of the laundry room and the garden walls! Looks so much better.  I've now been adopted by another very sweet feral cat. That's 6 that I don't need!

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I've bought a new pillow from John Lewis because the last new one was hurting my neck, so I thought I needed a softer one. Ane would you believe I got the same one again. Honestly I am so dumb sometimes! They wouldn't swap it either because I'd opened the packing. Anyway I bought another new one, properly soft, and it's okay.

jno jnr says Premier Inns do the best ones

He was alarmed by the cost till he realised there were two in the pack.

I like a firm pillow. I only have one e to sleep with. Well go and stay a night at a Premier Inn and steal the pillows! Maybe that'll be cheaper!

Getting warm here now! And heaving with tourists! Not complaining !

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