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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
Hello miss Terious. Shouldn't bother as jno keeps falling asleep!! Just been to hospital 2 days on the trot
Yesterday for x-rays of chest at all angles and feet whereas I had to stand precariously on steps with board between legs and stand on a flat board. Then today at some unearthly hour had to goml to main hospital again for bloods.. 9 tubes pumped out of my arm. I was a tad dizzy. Had cure -all brekkie on way home and now doing housework as its theraputic!
Are you still awake and attending jno???
Hello Neti. You're as bad as me. Sometimes I think we need to move to within 5 mins of the damn hospital. I am falling to bits at a fast pace!!! Mentally and physically!!! Biddies are thin on the ground now !!

My housework days are over!! OH has had to take over!!
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oh, neti and Miss T, I've just heard that my cardiac referral has been rejected. Goodness knows why, I am literally half-hearted with a pulse rate below 40. So now I am heartbroken. And I tried to have a blood test but that didn't work either, probably because they emptied all the veins with tests while I was being observed in A&E the other day.

Oh this stupid body.

Miss T, are you still at Lottie's hotmail?
jno. I will try to get back into the hotmail Lottie, but my brain doesn't work very well at the moment. No painkillers work and the really strong ones make me hallucinate and everytime I go near a hospital they find something else to investigate. We rarely go out any more because of my pain and lack of mobility. The old me is in there somewhere but truly locked in. I thank heaven for a really able man about the house without whom I would have to move. I dont know how he puts up with me.

That is dreadful about your consultation not being accepted. I have been forking out and going privately recently, but the wallet isn't bottomless.

Look after yourselves jno and Neti. I will be keeping my eyes on you. Where are Shaney and Woofie? x
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I think just busy, Miss T. AB is a tiresome place sometimes. But both well as far as I know.

I can go private with my insurance but I have to wait six weeks so the NHS can have a crack at me first. Where it leaves me if they don't even want to bother, I don't know. I'll try to talk to my GP again, he's been very attentive.

Was it you who had hypermobility? I just remembered when my sister reminded me the other day that our father was a bit that way - he could bend his thumb back to touch his wrist. My sister has it too and it's caused her a lot of grief.
Hypermobility which has caused lots of arthritis in all joints and internal organs that don't work properly. All due to faulty collagen and collagen is everywhere in our bodies!! If I had been diagnosed earlier I could have avoided things like being a builders labourer and holding up ceilings etc, But way back then hypermobility was just labelled as double jointed. I just get very depressed and have to have rests from AB frequently. (especially on the news section!!)
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yes, that sounds like my sis. She's a cabbie, because she just loves driving, but it causes her a lot of arthritic pain. She hasn't had too much work during Covid but makes up for it by doing her passengers' tax returns!
Oh when younger could bend thumb back over wrist anf fingers way backwards. I could do sorts of things!!!
Why have they refused a referral? Didn't know they they could!
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nor me. I'll give the mexico a call later. But maybe it will allow me to use my haelth insurance, which I've been paying gazillions for and all I ever used it for was some piles
jno shaney sends her love !
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hope things are going well in the bracing Norfolk air
Things are going very well in the bracing Norfolk air Jno although it's not so much bracing as suffocating and muggy. We had some rain last night and it's cooled down slightly. Being on the edge we've missed the thunderstorms and any heavy downpours and everywhere is bone dry.
I'm sorry to see you've got medical mystery problems atm and hope you can soon get seen and sorted .Take it easy.
Hope they can sort you out too Neti. You might feel better when it cools down.The heat has been unbearable here at times so it must be more so for you.The weather does affect your health.The heat this year has really affected me health wise.Far too hot for my wrecked back and all the other joints that are supposed to work,but don't.I like the warmth but this was too much.
Had some more work done round the house.Picky stripped out the pantry and repainted and re-shelved it and he redecorated the bits of the bathroom that are not tiled .We're taking them out for a meal this Saturday so that's something to look forward to.
Be good ...toodlepip for now.

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three rainstorms yesterday and one today. I suspect it's not just coincidence that I've suddenly been getting leg cramps. But at least I won't have to water the lawn until 2027.
We have a plague of ants absolutely everywhere and rats according to my Ibicenco neighbours! Inside find a half chewed on on doorstep! Just washing bedding and things and cleaning as per. Have to wait in for Amazon to deliver (haha as if) new phones. So I've made a corn beef hash flan. It's hot! Oh for winter!!
What rubbish this phone types. I found a rat but not inside!
Drink plenty of water jno, especially at bedtime. Leg cramps can happen a lot with poor circulation. Please get sorted out with your heartbeat situation. Why on earth did your appointment get cancelled. Strange times!!

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apparently the referral was rejected because another referral for a 24-hour ECG hadn't gone through - and still hasn't. Thanks for the tip aboyt water, Miss T, I am a little wary of drink before bed as if I have to go to the loo 4 hours later I don't always get back to sleep. But I am having to balance competing interests a lot these days while feeling very listless.
Snap jno my doc says stop drinking water at 7pm as I also have to pay a visit in the night if not. And bear in mind that I do everything in the dark for fear of seeing a cockroach
I am in danger of tripping up and banging into walls but hey ho!
Water before bed helps cramp and needing frequent visits to loo is far better than suffering cramps in the night. I also have water in a flask if I wake in the night. It steadies my rapid pulse. I only drink tap water or black tea these days. I don't enjoy other drinks, except lemon juice.

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