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Gmails Won't Send

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jno | 13:39 Fri 31st Mar 2017 | Internet
2564 Answers
I frequently get an error message when trying to send a Gmail, specially if it's replying to one:

"Oops... a server error occurred and your email was not sent. (#007)"

Just over the last month or so, and apparently at random. It won't save these emails as drafts, either.

Anyone know what's happening, or what I might do about it? (I have Hotmail and other email accounts but would prefer to use Gmail.)


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There are various suggestions here, including: (a) simply log out of Gmail and log back in again ; (b) clear the cache and cookies from your browser ; and (c) if you're using Internet Explorer, use a different browser!topic/gmail/2RPrrWUUYzg Perhaps trying each of them might lead you to a solution?
00:01 Sat 01st Apr 2017
Come out , come out wherever you are biddies!!
I'm back thanks to Spare Ed for sorting me out!
Was sunny but noe its clouding over. Hope it cools down!
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I'm still wired up till 4pm. I'd better not go anywhere near Westminister, they'll think I'm a walking time bomb. Glad you're online with all your devices, neti
Are you unwired now jno? So what's the verdict?
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I don't know yet, neti, I have to take the stuff back to the hospital and they'll examine all the data it's recorded. I'm not sure it'll tell them much because I actually had a good day yesterday; even when life was frustrating me it didn't leave me gasping for breath. I'm a bit worse today.

So annoying, it's like when you take the car in for repair and the rattle immediately vanishes so they can't find any problem.

Meantime I was woken three times last night by leg cramps, which is a personal record. Right, left, then right again. Aaaaargh.
I used to get leg cramps Jno but for ages now I've been eating a banana every day and it may be coincidence but I've had none since.
They contain magnesium,calcium and potassium which help cramps.
But of course if you don't like bananas ...
I hope they don't find anything untoward from your results but if they do I hope it's easily treatable.
Glad you're sorted Neti. Technology is good but a nightmare when it goes belly up.Perhaps we should go back to pen and paper.
A pen ,a pen,my kingdom for a pen that doesn't leak.That's Conway Stewart's royal warrant up the swaney :0)
Nothing much doing here. Nice day ,quite warm.
Toodlepip for now.

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I've tried bananas, shaney, I think it may well have been at your suggestion, but they didn't seem to make much difference. But as I'm reaching the point where nothing seems to make any difference except the demon quinine, I might try them again. I hope all is well in bracing Norfolk.
In suffer awfully at the moment with cramps
I just have to put a shoe on or point a toe and it's cramps dreadfully. I may try bananas !
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well, the verdicts are coming in that my heart is okay but alternate beats are lighter and not picked up on BP machines (which to be fair are not primarily for reading pulses).

Still got a couple of tests to come but I may have to start looking elsewhere for a reason for my shortage of breath, just coincidence that it happened at the same time I started taking my pulse (inaccurately). Something respiratory maybe?
hello all, sorry for the long absence. I don't do heat well then had a continuous string of knackeredness, headaches, stomach upsets and general feeling evilanity. Thank you for the birthday wishes. Sorry to hear about your problems Jno and Neti I hope you get good news from the mexico. Latest craziness here is that one of my tortoises had abcesses in her ears. vets monday for diagnosis, tuesday for the operation and then return appointments today, saturday and tuesday for wound flushes and antibiotic injections then review. The worrying bit is that the abcesses do tend to happen to older tortoises and she is 92. She is used to having the run of the garden and doing as she likes and she won't be happy with a more protected life. anyway on the plus side, the summer may have been horrendous for us humans but she has loved it.
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92 is just young middle age, woofgang!
Hello woofy. Yes ehe summer has been horrendous and I don't do heat either. Poor little tortoise
Thing is where are the ears and how did you know?
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had a nice visit from Sis today, taking a day out from leaving her husband so she could tidy and hoover my place - I do normally handle it myself but so short of breath I can't at the moment. She thought I might have long Covid, in spite of the four-month gap since I had short Covid. I do seem to have some of the syymtoms, but there are dozens.

She's planning to go to Sydney, so I will miss her.
That's kind of your sister Jno.
Do you think you could be a bit asthmatic perhaps? You need some bracing Norfolk air. It's certainly bracing today.Raining and blowing a gale and shock horror, a huge drop in temps.
Mr S has been to the hospital today for his annual (postponed due to pandemic) check.All ok.They removed one polyp and have sent it off but I don't think there's any recurrence of the cancer. He looks fit and well.
Nice to see you Woofy.
Hope your tortie will be ok.92 is amazing.
Big wave to you all.

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I've had asthma a couple of times, shaney, and that's wheezy; this feels more like pressure on my chest, which is why I thought my heart might be involved. The temperature's been up and down during the day but no rain, fortunately because the gardener came and mowed the lawn, rearranged the raspberry canes and generally tidied up, all of which is beyond me even when I'm healthy.

Best of health to all ailing biddies and their tortoises. jno jnr is sending me a cab tomorrow so I can have lunch with them before they jet off to Crete for a week in an old monastery.
hello all and thank you for the good wishes. Glad to hear that Mr S is still good. Jno should you get in a person what does to some of the housework? Neti, torts have one pale scale on either side of their heads and that covers the ear. When they get ear infections the pale scale swells up. Their hearing isn't great, its more that they pick up sound vibrations.
Hello all. Yeah stormy and raining today but still sweaty. Hope it breaks soon. I have dutifully eaten my one banana a day
It was a rather hard banana!
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is the funeral all over? I watched little bits of it.
I watched it all day and to my surprise so did Mr N
It moving and touching and I cried once
Today the heat is so much better still hot and sunny but temps down 10° and not sweaty. I managed to get my app for blood tests although I fear they are not the indepth ones that the specialist wants for kidneys !
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the mexicos are starting to sound concerned and I've got to pick up a beta blocker from the chemist in the morning if I can get there. Just walking to the bedroom is making me puff at the moment.

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