Internet download query. in The AnswerBank: Internet
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Internet download query.

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styley | 00:21 Tue 25th Sep 2007 | Internet
4 Answers
We get our internet through a small satellite dish type device that receives the signal from a mast located a few miles away. Our package allows us 10 gigabytes of download or something along the lines of that, I'm not too sure of the technicalities. My question is, is there any way for me to find out how much I've downloaded ina given time frame. We mainly only use it to look up web pages but I also have recently started playing a flash based poker site. Would this cause us to exceed the limits?
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Presumabaly it's 10 gigabytes a month? Normal use of the internet and playing poker won't even touch that limit.

You only need worry if you are downloading films and music, large files like that on a regular basis.
When I changed from unlimited to limited broadband I searched everywhere for something that would tell me how much I had used and couldnt find anything, sorry
Google for BitMeter. It's clean and free.
Signing up for this service was a no-brainer for me. I do a lot of Music downloading Flickrmusic works because the music's great, the service is affordable, and the loops and tracks are easy to download. What more could you ask for?
Try http://www.flickrmusic.com
The best place to download music.

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