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google maps

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Luzzly | 20:17 Mon 07th Feb 2011 | Internet
34 Answers
On Google maps on the border of Yukon and Alaska near Wrangell St Elias National Preserve, there is a large black rectangle, as though something was being blacked out. Anyone any idea what it could be?


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mind being a little more precise.,10.799561&t=h&z=7

Once you've found it click the link button in the top right of the map and copy and paste the top of the two links.
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Most things blanked out of maps are military installations of some sort. Must admit the long thin shape is confusing.
Military airbase? just a guess going by the shape
Actually, zoom in on it more and it appears,

Must just be a couple of missing photos from the higher level sat shots.

That obviously explains the long thin shape too.
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Ah, problem solved. I was hoping for more of a mystery!! Thanks
I would say this is more of a mystery...

Mid Atlantic, east of the Canaries.
Errr, that's the UK tiggs,

Have you never noticed it before :)
Its not working tigger, and mid atlantic would be west of the canaries.

Tigger thats us!!!
mid atlantic , east of the canaries?

would that be between the canaries and africa?
maybe it's Krakatoa
Oops yes I mean't West (Doh!)

Did it not work then? I'm sure I copied and pasted it into the answer box!
DRAT! I'll try again.
Oh for flip sake! Why does it keep coming up as the UK? Does anyone know how actually copy and paste a google map without the UK on it?

Click on the little button that says link in the top right and copy the top link from there, not the one on your address bar.
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Can't wait to see it!

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