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codswallop | 15:14 Fri 01st Apr 2011 | Technology
9 Answers
I intend to download some taped music onto my pc useing Audacity.As I haven't used this prog for a while I've only d/l a short section so that I can practice editing it,but hardly any of the dropdown lists "highlight" to enable me to adjust the music in particuler EFFECT or LINE IN (STERIO MIX) if anyone can help I'd appreciate it .Thanks


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I can't help directly but if you search for audacity on the site you will see lots of previous questions. You may find something there.
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Thanks to you both,updating seems to have done the trick.
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PS I've just d/l a short section of a Beetles record and played it back ok but the "time line" doesn't vary from almost a straight line,I would have thought that it would be up and down like a fiddlers elbow. Any ideas why please??????
You set the recording level too low
... or you are zoomed out a long way
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I clicked on Waveform (db)which made the band much "thicker"but not minutely defined as you would get with a graph Thanks!!!

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