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Samsung mobile

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Sqad | 12:03 Sun 20th Nov 2011 | Technology
5 Answers
Samsung mobile, vodafone....fully charged with cash and power, but on dialing a umber the following message appears :

Emergency Calls Only.

Any ideas?


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Sim card come away somehow? Dunno about ALL phones but in the US ,phones have to be capable of dialling emergency numbers without a SIM card
If you are with Movistar, they operate a system that closes your account after a set period of time. This can be re-activated by putting just 1 Euro on, you keep any residual cash. We use our Bank on the Internet to top up. No, I don't know why they do this, my Spanish friends are equally non-plussed.
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Thanks lads

I am with vodafone and i have topped it up on-line.
Might be local signal issue .............. does it do it if you move around/go out somehwere?
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echkilo.......thanks....yes it does.

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Samsung mobile

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