Cheap and Cheerful in The AnswerBank: Shopping & Style
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Cheap and Cheerful

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woodelf | 22:17 Sat 24th Dec 2011 | Shopping & Style
11 Answers
I'vI've still got loads of cassettes and I'd like summat cheap and cheerful to play them on while I'm doing the washing up etc, etc, so a nifty radio cassette player would be nice!...but I aint gonna break the bank!...any ideas anyone? Ta Muchly.
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buy one from ebay
Got a great one at a car boot sale for £2. Radio and cassette player in perfect working order, mains or battery. Use it every day.
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I can't use ebay 4...wanna sell it Maggie?...give you a fiver!
maggiebee ......love your avatar looks so much like my cats...... got photos very similar thought they were mine. Sorry for butting in on your thread woodelf.
Got a good hi- fi one for a fiver from one of these pay day loan cum second hand shops. If you know somebody who is a bit handy with a soldering iron you can replace a broken one without scrapping the whole player.
Problem is mains electrical items have to be tested before they can be sold second hand so charity shops will not touch them now. You need to go to a car boot or jumble sale. (do they still have jumble sales) if you don't want to use ebay.
Hi Woodelf.

I'm in the same position with lots of audio books and comedy on cassette tapes. (I bought a compilation of Martin Jarvis's BBC readings of the "Just William" stories for a quid in a charity shop this afternoon). But, like you, I hadn't got anything really reliable to play them on so, a few weeks ago, I purchased a 'boom box', with a built-in cassette deck and CD player, for £19.97 from Tesco.

I did that after weeks of watching the shelves for a bargain, without success, in the nearest British Heart Foundation Furniture & Electrical store.

Merry Christmas, Terry!

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Oh Chris, you poor sad soul you, fancy paying a quid for a Jarvis set!...99.5p less would have been a bargain and even then, you'd have been overcharged!...but don't get me started on audio book readers, especially Jarvis!
Very Many Thanks you other guys and All the Best to You All and a Merry Crimble to you too Chris and a Peaceful and Happy New Year to you!...I'll look in Tesco's too, eh?
Hi woodelf and a very merry christmas to you. Argos are doing a cheap radio cassette player by Alba for 12.49. That's not too bad is it.
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Apologies Prudie for not replying sooner...and a Happy and Healthy New Year to you...yes, I've seen that Argos offer, but the player is only batttery operated and not mains and I guess the batteries would be soon used up, but Many thanks!
go to freecycle...there will be a group in your area..just google it...always folk giving away stuff like that !

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