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Jumping when typing on laptop

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DY | 18:20 Tue 31st Jan 2012 | Technology
21 Answers
I have been given a laptop by my daughter. When I am typing the cursor suddenly moves and starts typing in another part of my document. I would like to know if there is anything I can do to rectify this or must I take it to someone to be assessed? Is it likely to be expensive? Thank you


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Thank you all for your amusing and enlightening answers. I would never deny that I influence the touch pad, as I sometimes find myself accidentally typing letters I hadn't realized I was anywhere near to. I am just relieved that nobody thinks I have a major problem I have to fork out for. I think it is a bit better when I move my cursor right off my typing area once I have started. However, I haven' tried this long enough to be sure it is absolutely true. Thank you all anyway for the help. I had always used the Answerbank for crosswords etc, and hadn't realized its other potentials, so I may be on again as, although competent on the internet, when problems arise with my computer I am flummoxed. Thanks once again.

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Jumping when typing on laptop

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