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What's happened to my AB alerts?

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vetuste_ennemi | 15:35 Wed 22nd Feb 2012 | Technology
12 Answers
I haven't received any e-mails from AB since yesterday evening? Has this happened to anyone else? What can I do about it (if anything)?


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Bug found! We're swatting away.
16:07 Wed 22nd Feb 2012
-- answer removed --
What AB alerts? I have never received any email from AB despite giving my email address ad signing up for the newsletter.....
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I've checked my profile, Headwreck and my e-mail address is correct.
I'm talking about the e-mails you get when a new answer has been posted to a subscribed thread, Beckersjay.
Nor have I beckersjay. Why us?
If you changed your email address recently, then the email address stored on the Ab database MAY be your old one, not your new email address. Contact the Ed and see if anything has changed at his end. Maybe another case of

Not just me then.
Hi V_E,

Not sure why this would be the case. I have reported the issue. Have you checked your spam folder etc?
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Thanks, Nibble, but no, I haven't changed my e-mail address. The only significant change I've made recently is ditching IE7 (at last) and installing Google Chrome, but that was weeks ago.
Try checking for any email rules you've started lately, which have labeled this site onto your blacklist - just a thought.
Bug found! We're swatting away.
Question Author
Yes, Ed, the updates haven't been binned.
Question Author
Thanks, Ed, I've started getting them again. And thanks everyone else for your suggestions.

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What's happened to my AB alerts?

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