Not entirely true canary42.
Newspaper subscriptions (and similar) will only got to a single Kindle.
Books will go to all registered devices - up to a total of six kindles/phones/laptops.
From the amazon site :
How many Kindles can I use to access titles in my library?
Most books and other non-subscription items you purchase from the Kindle store may be simultaneously accessed for your personal use on up to six Kindles (or Kindle compatible devices, such as Kindle for iPhone) registered to your account. If the limit is less than six kindles for a specific title, you'll see the message "Simultaneous Device usage: Up to X simultaneous devices, per publisher limits" on the detail page.
If you reach the device limit and wish to replace one of your current devices with a new one, you must first deregister and delete the content from the device you wish to replace before you can access the content in question from your new device. For device registration instructions, please see the Help page for the device you wish to register/deregister on the Kindle Support pages. There is no limit on the number of times a title can be downloaded to a registered device.