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Optimising My Samsung Galaxy Tablet 10.1

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DuzyEverwork | 14:02 Fri 09th Aug 2013 | Technology
2 Answers
I have the above tablet and only use it for emails, Facebook (sigh), and a couple of games which really is a bit of a waste. I thought I'd try to teach myself how to get books and films on it but Googling has only made me more confused. I would like to use the Video Hub, Games Hub etc which come with the tablet but I bought it in the UK and we live in Spain. The blimmin thing recognises the Spanish ISP and I only get Spanish selections, I have emailed Samsung about this problem and their reply was basically 'hard luck' therefore I am assuming I download to my computer and transfer to the tablet - but how????


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The charging cable has two usb thingies. Plug one into your computer and the other into your tablet and transfer the programmes.
I've come back because I was in a bit of a hurry earlier.
Did you realise that you could pull the charging cable out of the plug part? You then have a usb 'plug' on one end and the wider Samsung plug on the other end.

Plugging the usb plug into your computer and the Samsung plug into your tablet, you will be able to import whatever you want from your computer.
I put all my holiday photos on to my tablet that way. It's lovely to see them on the tablet because it's so clear.

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