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Malware Please.

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netibiza | 15:12 Thu 31st Oct 2013 | Technology
7 Answers
Further to my post of yesterday, I need to get rid of Netspark, driving me mad. I have downloaded a malware thing but just cannot find it anywhere on this sony vaio wind 8. Could someone please post a link to a good malkware remover (free and quick) and tell me where it will go on this pc, thank you so much.


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Malwarebytes is usually recommended here. It will go wherever you install it and check the PC as you instruct.
If you mean where did you download it, then that depends on how your computer is set up. Best check where it saves it this time and note for another time ?
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Thanks, will have a go now. x
Make sure it's the Free edition of Malwarebytes that you download. It will put a shortcut on your screen.

However, I don't think that it will remove Netspark. You'll have to do that manually because Netspark is Not Malware.
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Well am being cautiously optimistic, all seems to be working OK now.

Alex I couldn't remove it because it's not there on control panel progs , it overtook my google, was awful.
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Old_geezer, a million thanks, all is ok now x

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Malware Please.

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