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Smart Television

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woolleysheep | 16:18 Thu 31st Oct 2013 | Technology
3 Answers
last night on television it reported that a place lost its broadband signal and phones would a smart tv then be inoperable


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No a Smart TV is only like a normal TV but can do loads extra. However, if you were watching iplayer etc on it that required the wifi connection then yes it would just be like your computer/phone and wouldn't work without the signal.
Smart TVs all have either Freeview or Freesat tuners built into them. They would continue to receive Freeview/Freesat transmissions in the event of a loss of broadband service. (That of course assumes that they've still got power and that they're connected to an aerial or satellite dish, as appropriate).

However the 'Smart' functionality of such TVs (such as the ability to access 'on demand' TV services or view Youtube content) is delivered via the internet so, self evidently, that functionality would disappear in the absence of a broadband signal.
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many thanks for your information

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