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generic host process error?

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squidgey | 16:22 Sat 30th Jul 2005 | Technology
3 Answers

hi all ,

when i switched my laptop on today i got greeted by this error -

generic host process for win 32 services has encountered a problem and needed to close.

error signiture

szAppName:svchost.exe szAppver sz ModName :unknown ........

the following files have been  included in an error report c:\DOCME~1\Les\Locals~1\Temp\WERb66f.dir00\svchost.exe.mdmp


i am on XP

the laptop is a brand new

ASUS AMD 64 3000+


very little has been installed on it yet.

ive got norton internet security on it all up to date and i have done all the windows xp updates.

any ideas on what it is and why it comes up .

when  i restarted it didnt come back but im so paranoid about breakin my laptop i feel i should find out why it occured.


also what are your thoughts about sending error reports to microsoft ?

any help apprieciated




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Is your laptop able to access the internet? If so, when the error occurs, you should have the option of "Send Error Report" on the popup window. I have encountered a similar error on my PC, and when I sent the report I was redirected to a Windows Update that solves the issue. Give it a try if possible.
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thanks for your reply

i read on the internet something about getting rid of cookies and temp internet files so i gave that a go and so far i haven't seen it since but if i do i shall try ur advice


Try this out, and tell me if it worked.

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generic host process error?

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