For a couple of days I have had to sign on every time I want to access my email if my computer has been shut down, even when it's on standby. I can't see a way to avoid this. Is it me or is it a general problem - I understand BT email through Yahoo (which mine is) has changed.
I had to sign up to BT email using my Yahoo password on the ist occassion and remember ticking a box which said something like " use/keep this password for future use". Works ok for me now. Hope this helps.
"BT Yahoo! Mail users will no longer see an option to "keep me signed in" and the Yahoo! sign-in seal will not show. To stay logged in to BT Yahoo! Mail keep the BT Yahoo! Mail browser window or tab open and you won't have to log in again that day."
Buenchico: How strange, ive only had to log in once, since then it automatically goes to BT Yahoo mail without having to log in. Strange!!! I'm sure I ticked a box Something like described in my previous posting. Again, strange!!!!
Thank you for your replies. I have now telephoned BT and apparently it is a problem to do with the change from using BT Yahoo, and it could last for a while until they sort it out.
So I have got to put up with it for the time being.
Thanks anyway.
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I Have To Keep Signing In To My Email Account With Bt