When I scroll my thumb down screen from top to bottom a list of emails which have previously been deleted comes up from the last 10 days and sometimes more . There is no way to say where to delete them . The key board comes up at the same time .Why are they still there when I have previously deleted all emails after I have read them .
Over the last 2days I have checked with friends that I know have iPads . They did not know of this till I showed them and it comes up on theirs too even though they delete all there messages .
Despite having had an iPad for ages I am always finding new stuff I didn't know about. Have a look in notifications to see if it is switched on or off for emails (not saying it's going to work, but that's what it might be).
Hi thanks for your reply . Have had a look there not quite sure what to change they are all showing up with the green thing that you can change but not sure which one to change .
To clear stuff from notifications I drag the notifications down from the top centre of the screen and there are tiny little crosses to the right of each notification 'topic', click that and it turns into the word 'clear' which you then need to click.
tried everything under notifications . it is not the notifications such as sky alerts I want rid of it is all the back lying emails that have already been deleted I want rid of . I even saw some from dec last year there . Thanks for your help maybe they will just disappear.lol