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Hard Drive Not Recognised

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annieigma | 18:03 Mon 16th Jun 2014 | Technology
6 Answers
i have fitted a new hard drive into my dell precision 380. when i go into set up it is there as drive "O" sata, 500 GB, but when i try to load windows it starts" set up" loads a few drivers, like "raid" ( info flashing by on bottom of screen) then says no hard drive detected. the new drive is secondhand from a sky box, but it is the correct SATA and the same fittings as the one removed, and I know other people that fitted them to computers, no problem. does it need formatting? if so, what does that entail? i have a lap top if i need to download drivers etc.
Thank you,


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Any 'new' drive should be formatted using the Windows install disc. Ntfs is the format you need.

Is this the only HDD fitted? What version of Windows are you installing?
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i have windows XP pro disc, or linux ubuntu on a memory stick, haven,t tried ubuntu yet, but expect same problem as the windows disc.
You can format a hard drive during the Windows install.

Do that and it will remove the Sky formatting.
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hi VHG, I have no option to do a format on the windows install, just repair, install or quit.
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Hi Methyl,
i will try the linux option, it seemed to be a no drivers required option when i installed it on my laptop, will pursue that, as, as you say, XP is not being updated anymore, so not the best os to load.

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Hard Drive Not Recognised

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