Can anyone help me please? I have a CD sampler with a few tracks of a musical about to come to the West End BUT iTunes doesn't recognise it. It gives me a list to choose from BUT if I choose any of them, it comes up with the tracks on those CDs. I know I'm being stupid but is there anyway of creating my own title for this CD so I can upload the contents?
Many thanks in advance for any help.
Well, I`m going out now but just in case you come back and I`ve got your question correct (and you know the track names) you can input the details yourself. Import the CD, right click on the tracks and click 'get info'. Click the heading 'info' and input track, album, genre etc
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I have the CD with 3 tracks on it but I am unable to import the CD without selecting one of their options - which doesn't include the one I have. I can't find anywhere that enables me to import the CD and create my own title. Sorry to be a pain but any other suggestions?
Thanks for your email - I have done that in the past but the CD I have is a sampler from a musical and not listed. It won't let me access the get info option - I am restricted to choosing from their random list of obscure titles! I'll give up, I think.
With the CD inserted select it on the sidebar and it should just bring up a simple display, track 1, track 2 etc, you should then be able to insert the information you require, either that or just select one of the 'bad' options and once it is imported follow the instructions in Fanriffic's link to edit the tracks and album to what you want.
Thanks again for your help. I have changed the name of the CD but it still downloads one of their listed CDS - not the CD I have put in - so unable to change the names afterwards! Anyway, I think I'll give up.
Sorry that you've not resolved your problem with iTunes.
It may be worth trying - Turn off the "Automatically retrieve CD track names from internet" option.
To do this go to your iTunes Preferences and untick the box. This should allow you to insert the CD with out having to choose from a list they give you.
From that point you can now 'Get Info' on the CD and insert your own information per each song/track.
Good luck.
But you're always able to change the names of any tracks you have in iTunes, just right click on the track and select 'info' (might be 'get info' I don't have iTunes in front of me) and then you can edit any of the fields.