Every new version of Windows seems to have had issues. Every time someone's bunch of pet projects are added to make things different just for the sake of it and spoiling what you already used to have. Win 10 is more invasive; for example, (and interestingly pertinent to this this thread) updates are forced on you. The best they offer is forcing you to set a future date/time for installation. To overcome this you can either turn the service off and on, or there are .msi files out there you can install that at least tells you there are updates available for when you wish to get them. Then there is the default set up that says it can grab your data etc. There is a lot of control irritants to deal with and if you are not in the know it's impossible to know what side effects turning them off will cause in the future. MS appears to be becoming a dodgy supplier, like many commercial concerns they seems to wish to monitor/control your kit and what you do.