Sorry to dampen your hatred with a few facts. I spent 40 years in Germany, am now living in France. Your xenophobic rant is more than embarrassing to people who have lived together with other Europeans. The influx of refugees/migrants to Europe is still largely dolminated by Syrians, who have no alternative. If you wish to have your cake and eat it, then by all means vote for your stupid Brexit and then you'll see what it costs. Funny there's no place in Nigel's "heart" for those worse off than himself. Sheer manipulation, and you're falling for it. I realize you will continue blindly in your campaign of ignorance, fear, and hatred. But don't try to disguise it as something rational. As an Englishman I now have to be proud of Frau Merkel, whatever I dislike about other features of life in Germany. Get a life, man, or perish on your island : you're pefectly free to choose. It's just that I have always been a practising European, and happen to know from experience what I'm talking about --- you evidently don't. Have a nice day.