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Deleting All Files In A Memory Stick

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BJS | 16:13 Tue 31st Jan 2017 | Technology
10 Answers
Is there a simple waytodelete all files on a memory stick in one go.


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In your computer:
Double-click the Memory Stick
Press Delete.


In Your computer:
Right-click the memory stick
Select Format
Choose Quick Format

There are some small files on each memory stick to make it work - make sure you dont delete those.
You should do what needs to be done to any memory device regularly and Format it.
USB, SD cards etc.

Right click on the appropriate drive and click format or quick format.

This clears all files and readies the device for use.

( not strictly true though because the files are still there. Its the headers or signposts to the files that are cleared. This is why you can run a recovery program to find lost or trashed long as they have not been overwritten.)
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Have tried to do as told but nothing. When I go right-click on the USB drive and Format nothing happens. As regards the Delete command that is not there.
So you found the appropriate drive in the list on the left of your screen?
You did a right click and found Format but then you did not get a box up saying Format or quick format? It that correct?
I don't know what to say then, because the drive has been recognised ok so it should Format .
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Yes I do get a Format box come up but can only click on a CLOSE button. There is a Restore Device Defaults option but have not tried that.
Nothing to lose then , it appears corrupted.
Click Restore Device Defaults and then Format it.
Should do the trick.
right click on stick in your computer and delete !
Question Author
I could not delete anything by any of suggestions given so resorted to the long way and deleted each file individually Thanks anyhow for the posts and help.
record a stick full of new files over them ?

deletion as someone has pointed out just means ripping off the tag ( doc jpg) etc and then sending them out into space so they can be recovered by determined people

I use an eraser program for personal files because I kinda take the fata protection act seriously
( reccyled over around fifteenyears ) - the program overprints random letters over every space in the file to be deleted. result - zapped good !

doesnt look a hundred miles from

freeware ( the URL I have given I HAVEN'T used - as I use an old one )

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Deleting All Files In A Memory Stick

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