with tt
very slow internet
got a super router frm talktalk 5 months ago
gt 10 mbps now om getting 2,7 mbps
cleared history recycle did cc clean
still getting 2.7 mbps
using w10 chrome
any ideas to improve speed
If you're connecting to your router by wifi, try using an Ethernet cable instead. If your download speed gets back to normal we'll know that it's a wifi problem. (Post again to let us know and we'll see if we can help). If your download speed remains slow when you're using an Ethernet cable then it's a problem with your phone line (which you'll need to speak to TalkTalk about).
I am also with Talktalk and having the same problem. I am getting a consistent speed of 3.5mpbs irrespective of whether router is plugged into extension or main socket or whether the connection is wired or WiFi. I am getting same result on laptop (Windows 10) or Desktop (good old XP). I have followed all of Talktalk's recommended actions with no improvement. I wrote to Tt a few days ago and am awaiting a reply
Hi Henry 1938. Further to my earlier message, I haven't yet had any comment from Talktalk but only days after contacting them the speed has now increased from 3.5 Mbps to 6.9 - suggest you also contact them if you have had no improvement.