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Ab Won't Load On My Tablet.

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shaneystar2 | 14:48 Thu 28th Sep 2017 | Technology
975 Answers
My Samsung Galaxy tablet won't load the AB page. It sticks half way across and then I get a message saying that this web page is unavailable.
It only happens with AB. It was like this when they changed the site so I downloaded an adblocker and it's been fine.
Now it doesn't load again although the adblocker is working.Everything else I use and look at on it is ok apart from AB.
Any suggestions as to how I can rectify this ?


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Hello all. . Hope you are alright. It's too hot to trot. Pool and cool for me.
Bump? If not I give up!!
Ahh ok I've have bumped and 6hr old post has appeared.
Hot again here and a sizzler of a weekend forecast. Nice plumber has been today to oversee delivery of a whole load of wood to build shed. Bathroom is coming next week and he is back the week after to build and fit like mad. I have got a week to do some leisurely sorting and reorganising. I am covered in mozzie bites again which is pretty annoying.
yay, the bathroom and loo are all done, meticulously as ever. John Lewis tried to pretend they still didn't have the vinyl but after we demanded to speak to Mr Lewis in person, they broke down and confessed it was in a van outside and would be with us in 20 minutes, which it was. After the bungled leak, this is the second screwup on this job. Marius just shrugged and said it happens on most of the jobs he does and he doesn't understand how Britain functions with so much incompetence; I wasn't able to explain it to him.

I have filled in so many cracks in the lawn it looks like leopard skin. Just poured in topsoil with grass seed, which hopefully will fill bare patches and maybe even chase away the encroaching clover and other weeds. That was 25 kilos of topsoil poured down cracks in just two days.
I know what you mean Jno. The shower cubicle was 4 days late arriving even though it was next day delivery ("ah but that was the next day after we get it in stock"); the flotex was alleged to have been delivered and signed for (oh how we laughed, almost 200 quids worth of materials gone missing) and the skip should have been removed by yesterday at the least the skip snafu meant I could pile some more stuff into it and I have had an apology that they are behind on collections. Its going to be scorchio again here today. Novelty has worn off now. Try and stay cool everyone and Jno don't go falling down cracks in the lawn....that's how you end up journeying to the centre of the earth where the dinosaurs live.
a story out of Pland ... it comes from one of the scientific journals so is quite likely true.

Stork’s enormous bill
A research project tracking storks’ migration to Africa did not go according to plan for zoologists in Poland. One bird, named Kajtek, flew 6000 kilometres to Sudan in October, but did not head back towards Europe in February as expected, instead remaining in the Nile Valley and moving in various directions about 25 kilometres per day, the researchers told Polish media. The transmitter fell silent in April.

Then came a big surprise: a phone bill for 10,000 zloty (£2000). Apparently, someone had taken the sim card out of the transmitter and used it to make a great many phone calls. The researchers’ organisation will have to foot the bill.
Haha that's good jno.
It's the same here for ordering and not being received and ikea is fatal. Clients want ikea (mr n hates it) but duly measures iy and it never fits correctly, so he now insists that ikea do the fitting, and of course they cant. So it all goes back so on and so forth. We ordered a balcony door which only has a handle on the inside, the reckon you cant shut yourself out!!
Just watching footy. Cheering for wrong team but think its losing.
JNo, I am sorry for the stork but that is hilarious. Sill hot here. I went out to the garage to do some sorting and had to come in because I started to see stars.
oh, I expect the stork was tired of being, er, storked all the time anyway. He probably just flew home alone while observing radio silence.
Good afternoon from the Derbyshire desert...Intitot? :) I was wandering round in my bra n bloomers this morning, oh the freedom. The staff in the co op weren't impressed though, tut. I'm actually wearing a dress now which is a rarity for me.

I'm probably the only person around here who hasn't watched the footy so I thought I'd see how you're all doing. Sorry if it's getting to you. I was doing really well in the hot weather until Thursday afternoon when the breeze dropped, the atmosphere changed and I turned into a rag doll. I've got the collywobbles too. It was 22C at midnight last night :-/ Not a single drop of rain has fallen on us and the water pressure's so low it's less of a shower and more of a trickle.

Hope you get sorted shaney, pain is so depressing and wearing, and the rest of you are as well as you can be. I think it might drop a few degrees this week and the tarmac will set again. Keep calm and cool.

I haven't watched it either and neither have the dogs
Hi Robi oh dear gal keep on trucking. I wear very little at home. Usually a silk wrap and panties and that's it. I swim in the nuddy. Also feeling wobbly and dizzy so do my fav trick of dropping to the floor on the offchance I may faint. Mr N is getting used to finding me on the floor but I am ok.
I only watched the footy today as there are somethings a married couple have to do together to keep the marriage alive! I'm back in airconned bedroom now whilst he watches the next match and shouts and scribbles furiously on his chart! Men!!
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Hahaa ..Neti. Mr N must be scribbling furiously in tandem with Mr S.
What with the spreadsheet and the list he's got tacked on the fridge and he's now started gambling ! A tenner on Croatia to win .I ask you.
I watched the England game,then some tennis then sat through Russia v Croatia.I asked him to listen through the headphones for that so I could read my book.I've had years of football crazies though and am brainwashed now:)
It's been very hot today and no breeze to cool things down.
I bet you're pleased your work is done Jno. The stork story is funny. I wonder if it did get home.
Nice to see you Robinia. Take it easy in the heat.
Night all.Keep cool.
My niece-in-law is on BBC 1 ( ch 966) sunday politics representing Gloucester. She's very nice but very into labour politics. We don't talk about them.
It's Mr Ns birthday but not doing anything special
Hopefully a nice lunch somewhere. It's hot!
France or Belgium to win!
Don't do a lot on twitter and don't follow footy but I liked this
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Hello all
Another hot one .Happy Birthday to Mr N.
Gareth Southgate is an all round nice guy.There was a great photo of him consoling a member of the Columbian team who missed a penalty.
He knows just how that feels and I remember watching it.
Hope you're all ok.
happy birthday Mr N
Yes Shaney its lovely to see niceness and manners being so publicly saluted
Yes Gareth southwood is a lovely person. What a change!

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