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New Laptop

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Samuraisan | 17:09 Sun 10th Dec 2017 | Technology
24 Answers
I plan to get a new laptop when the sales start. Do you think 4gb is big enough ? I shall use it to access internet for shopping, reading, etc. access AB ( of course) that kind of thing. Not for work, as have just retired, storing personal documents on and so on. I read Fender62's article about the hardrives ( didn't know there were 2 different ones !) and think possibly a SDD because of the speed and noise that HDD can make. My old laptop is very noisy as is Mr.Sam's 8 year old Mac. Just wondering about the gb. I am looking at the Lenovo. Any thoughts? I want to store photographs too.


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I think most people go to the El Corte Ingles Mikey, their post sales services is second to none and if you have their card, credit for 12 months interest free.
Sam...I haven't heard from that site before.

But where do all the Spanish people get there laptops from ? I understand that there may be comparability problems with keyboards though.

How far do you live from Gib .....perhaps you could get one there ?

I was also thinking that you may be paying a visit to Britain over the holiday period, so perhaps you could pop into a branch of PC World while you are here !
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Mikey, to tell you truth I suppose the " ones who don't know much" go the El Corte Ingles, those that do, get from Amazon or other sites. Not far from Gib, but never go there as it is horrendously expensive and can get everything here now. Never visit the UK as have hardly any family there, and those that are, come here to visit. More likely to go to Japan to visit MrSam 's family, and all IT stuff is much much cheaper there ( have you ever heard of Akihabara? It's a techno's dream) but I don't want a japanese keyboard!
4Gb of RAM is plenty. Windows 10 will run smoothly with 2Gb and at its best with 3GB or more. Anything else is entirely superfluous (unless you're into all-action games playing or high-end video editing which, it seems, you're not).

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