Not a bad idea.
If you're completely puzzled, IE, there isn't something you can open to wind it to the correct time, then i found this online, it may make sense:
Step 1
Restart a stopped cuckoo clock before attempting to reset it to the desired time. Grab the clock's pendulum and pull it to the left as far as it will go. Let go of the pendulum to restart the clock's movement.
Step 2
Hold the clock's minute hand lightly between your thumb and index finger. Slowly turn the minute hand counterclockwise until both the minute and hour hands are moved into the desired position.
Step 3
Wind the cuckoo clock when the weights descend and the rings attached to the chains are near the bottom of the clock. Pull the chains to raise the weight and wind your clock. Note that most cuckoo clocks will need to be wound at least once a day, though some models need winding only once every eight days.