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Sd Cards

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sherrardk | 20:30 Thu 14th Feb 2019 | Technology
11 Answers
I’ve just bought a wildlife camera that stores images onto an SD card (which I have also bought) - in idiot speak, how do I view what is on the SD card?


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The printer I have will read camera cards for printing but guess you can get reader that you can attach to PC. Someone more knowledgeable will be bound to be along.
Quick google found this one bound to be more.
Your camera will read what is on the card but if you want to transfer or view the images you will need a monitor, tv, or device that can read an SD card. Cheap as chips. Just put the words sd card reader into Amazon(other suppliers are available). User Recommendation
if camera has a usb port, then you just connect it to you computer usb input and use windows explorer. or you can take out the sd card and put it into an adopter again that would plug into your computer if it has a sd card slot.
By the way Sherrardk if you take your card down to any of the main supermarkets, to the photo processing wotsit thing, they can read the card and allow you to print out any shots that you choose to have hard copies of.
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Thanks all - boy #1 reckons he can download to his iMac and then send them to me.
Surely all or most digital cameras have a menu option that allow you to see the pictures it's taken.
They do but they're not very big. Don't you have a laptop Sher? They all have an SD card slot where you stick it straight in.
not all of them Prudie, neither my mac or windows laptops does. I just bought a card reader
Oh I hadn't realised, we've had about 8 laptops between us over the years and they all had a card slot so assumed they all did.
You can get a lead to connect card reader or camera to an iPad

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Sd Cards

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