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Smart Meters

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KevTheBusDriver | 19:41 Wed 29th May 2019 | Technology
22 Answers
Has anyone actually seen a real financial benefit (or any other benefit) after having a Smart Meter fitted?


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I've just had one installed, less than a week ago.

I dont expect to see a huge financial benefit as I have no desire to meter watch, but some do and I have noticed Mr M turn off the kitchen lights when he used to leave them on all evening!

The benefit for me it to avoid those retched estimated bills and to be able to check the rate I'm paying shoudl I want to. I feel a little more in control.

My question might be the opposite to yours. Can anyone actually see a genuine reason not to have one?
The official projected saving taken from an ad I heard on the radio is 2%. I mean wow! I understand that they still don't work across all companies and if you switch suppliers, you may need another meter fitted. As I have said before if you have a family of teenagers and want to keep an eye on what is being used or left on than I can see the point in having one, for me on my own, if something is switched on its because I want it switched on. I send in readings online whenever I am asked and cannot remember the last time I had an estimated bill. If I am made to have one, or if I move and there is one in the new house then fine but otherwise getting one fitted seems to me to be just a hassle and no benefit.
Smart Water Meter - yes !!

// Can anyone actually see a genuine reason not to have one? //

Yes, we object to being told what we need to have in our home, the home that cost us dearly to remodel, and as Woofgang said if it's turned on it's because we're using it, no one elses business.
I have a smart water meter. The trouble is, it's not so smart.

I cannot read it unless I go outside and lift up the cover to my stop-cock on the pavement and shine a torch down among the cobwebs. My water company read it once a month and send me the reading (there's a novelty). The least smart facet of all is that from October I will be on metered water. The way things are looking I'm going to be paying considerably more.

Smart energy meters? Couldn't have one fitted due to ineptitude of my suppliers (I only agreed to have one to get a cheaper tariff. I've still got the cheap tariff but no meters so there's a result). Waste of time. I turn things on when I need them and off when I don't. I don't need a gadget to help me do that. Don't know what will happen when they introduce differential tariffs (which is the idea of getting everybody to have one).
Water meter for sure I agree... huge reduction... Gas Elec not so much but I'm accustomed to switching things off anyway.
Ive had mine ages and I think they are the best thing since sliced bread!
I’ve had no benefit from mine. I still have to read the meter and send the number to the company. The little screen that tells you how much electricity you’re using doesn’t work.
How so, Georgiesmum. Explain how it heps you.
I can’t understand the negative fuss about these.
If they were the standard and it was announced they were being withdrawn there’d be uproar.
The "negative fuss" is that they are costing something in the order of £11bn. This will ultimately be borne by the consumer who will secure no benefit whatsoever from the devices. They are being lauded as "energy saving" devices when they are nothing of the sort. Boris Johnson was up before the Beak today for allegedly telling lies or misleading the public or whatever. The various energy secretaries who have promoted this drivel should be standing alongside him.
New Judge, they mean I no longer have to keep reading my gas and electric meters. Its all done automatically even though my meters are in my brick garage, They can even read them from abroad! The smart meter monitor is in my kitchen and helps me to keep an eye on the energy being used. It makes you more aware and less likely to leave lights on when not needed
Why would anyone abroad want to read your meter?
Well if you were abroad... and check your own meter and see the elec whizzing down... you'd know who-ever has broken into your home or the kids are having more fun than you are.
Smart energy meters are only beneficial because you are more aware of your consumption, nothing else. Would it stop you turning that light on to climb the stairs I don’t think so.
oh its the consumer who can read the meter from abroad! I thought Georgiesmum meant the supplier. still don't want one mind you.
then its not working ALL smart meters send the reading to the supplier every few minutes thats why there called smart, you dont have to send the reading to them
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I was told by npower that if you have solar panels then a Smart Meter won't work in your house.
Benefit for me is not having to trail to the garage in winter to read the mater.

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