I play on msn game zone regularly,on the online games, however since yesterday the games won't load. I have checked my java and macromedia are up to date and working fine, can anyone help?
One of my friends has started having exactly the same problem with games inside MSN Messenger. The only thing I can think of is that his Norton Firewall is blocking it for some reason. Unless there is something amiss at MSN.
If you do have Norton Firewall, you could try using Kerio instead, which is free. http://www.kerio.com/kpf_download.html
And here's some free antivirus, if it's any use: http://free.grisoft.com
Thanks for your help, the weird thing is it worked earlier on today but isn't working again now!! I don't use norton but have pc-cillin. Thanks again for your help, I'm hoping its a problem with msn!