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Slow Pc.

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711 | 18:01 Sat 18th Jul 2020 | Technology
12 Answers
I have a Lenovo S145 laptop which I find is ideal for my needs, so much so that we bought a second one for my wife. However, this new one is extremely slow and can take 10 or more seconds just to open the browser, longer to open a website even after the PC has "warmed up".
Mine, on the other hand, responds almost immediately. Getting help by phone or email from makers or suppliers is virtually impossible, and FAQ`s typically never include the problem in question. Anyone have any idea what might be the problem and a possible solution?
Many thanks.


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Something appears to be hogging all of the machine's CPU and/or using nearly all of its memory. With no programs running (except for the usual background programs, such as the laptop's anti-virus software), open Task Manager. (Right-click on the taskbar at the foot of the screen to access the option to do so). Click on the Processes tab. Click on the CPU colum...
19:32 Sat 18th Jul 2020
If your laptop is new, then I don't know what to suggest. I always recommend downloading and installing the free CCleaner, which finds and gets rid of rubbish and thus can speed things up. It might be worth a try, although I am not confident that it would be beneficial on a new machine.
Take it back to where you bought it from and ask them for a replacement.
Something appears to be hogging all of the machine's CPU and/or using nearly all of its memory.

With no programs running (except for the usual background programs, such as the laptop's anti-virus software), open Task Manager. (Right-click on the taskbar at the foot of the screen to access the option to do so). Click on the Processes tab. Click on the CPU colum header, to place the entries in descending oder of processing power being used, and note down any processes that are placing a heavy load on the CPU. Then click on the 'Memory' tab and look for anything that's using a massive amount of memory.

If anything looks suspicious, report back here to tell us which processes seem to be causing the trouble. (It can often be something like a Windows update, that's refusing to install properly, behind such things. Security software trying, but failing, to updatecan produce similar problems).
thanks for this malware and it seems 75% improved. As to the task master, the two things taking up the space are Chrome (10) @ 450MB and Bullguard scanner at this normal? Thanks....
the machine is about (just under) 18 months old...
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Thanks folks for your suggestions. Managed to solve with Buenchico`s suggestion.
Buenchico comes up trumps again x
Chris is the man :0)
He is Bobbi.
If you use Windows, how many past updates are clogging the machine up - the b--gers do not remove past versions from your disks.....a good pro can clear those out and save an enormous amount of capacity that could be clogging you up..... then there's your antivirus provider, they can soak a lot up too.
Excise me 711, Chris - thanks - turns out to be an issue with Asus and Windows - resolution right click on windows, mouse and devices, being up Asus mouse and then check updates.....there is one more cure, more drastic, which is turn off the mouse, crash the computer on the off switch with a hold down and reboot.....but you can't use the mouse to steer before that 'crash' with it being disabled.
I think this complicated you should check Cnet Solutions for this here is many problems you must detect first of all.

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