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Item On My Clipboard - Windows 10.

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Coppit | 16:45 Wed 07th Apr 2021 | Technology
9 Answers
Using Print Screen I now have an image on my Clipboard, but can do nothing with it. Rt clicking doesn't generate a menu with Copy etc.
Left click deletes it.
What is wrong?


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Which program are you right-clicking in? Images from your clipboard can normally be copied into Paint (for simplicity) or into almost any other program which recognise image files.

Anyway, why on earth are you using Print Screen to grab a screen shot. That method died alongside Fred Flintstone! I use the Snipping Tool (from Start > Programs > Windows Accessories), having created a shortcut for it on the taskbar at the bottom of my screen (to save me from having to go into the Start menu every time).

The Snipping Tool was introduced in Windows 7 and, although it's meant to be replaced by Snip & Sketch, is actually still available in Windows 10. Using it enables one to select any chosen area of the screen, rather than having to capture the whole screen.
Into what are you trying to paste it?
In w10 I think that when you use "print screen" the process is that they automatically go to clipboard you then have to decide what to do. Every new screen shot deletes the previous regardless
of whether you save it or process it. This is where it gets interesting. To save it press the windows key on the keyboard and the "print screen" key (together) that key is on the top row of the keyboard. That shot will be saved in a PNG (Portable Graphics network) file in your files. From there you can convert it to jpeg or whatever.
my screenshots are automatically saved in a onedrive screenshot folder, they are all there until i decide to delete one/them
Here you go Coppit this is worth a read through. (I was nearly right)
Ditto Ael. Perhaps Coppit has onedrive switched off. I had it disabled for ages until I realised that it was useful and even integral for some operations.
As Togo indicates, going by the Print Screen method, you often have to change the file format to end up with the one you want. With the Windows Snipping Tool, when you click on 'Save as', you're offered a choice of file formats, with .jpg generally being the best one to choose.
Just to clear something up. The onedrive folder that I and probably Ael are talking about is in the "File Explorer" app that is again built into the operating system. If you have no "onedrive" enabled the folder is not going to be there. I move stuff from there and put them in the correct place like documents, pictures, crap, etc. When I am being a good lad that is.
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Many thanks for all help. Mission accomplished.

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Item On My Clipboard - Windows 10.

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