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Google Chrome Users

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CrapAtCryptics | 17:30 Fri 18th Feb 2022 | Technology
2 Answers
Google announces zero-day in Chrome browser

Google confirmed in an official blog post that a new Zero-Day vulnerability (CVE-2022-0609) has been found in Chrome browsers and is being abused by the hackers.

You can read about the specifics of the vulnerabilities on Google's blog site.

What should you do?
Google has pushed out the latest Chrome update (version 98.0.4758.102) which will roll out over the coming days/weeks.

The update can also be done manually. To check if your browser is updated, navigate to Chrome menu > About Google Chrome. A new tab will open that will either begin the update process or inform you that you're already on the latest version of Chrome (98.0.4758.102 or higher). Zero-Day hacks are the most dangerous kind of security exploit.
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Yes sorted CrapAtCryptics, thanks for the heads up though :-)

Chrome is up to date
Version 98.0.4758.102
Chrome is based upon (the similarly named but totally separate) Chromium browser. It's the Animation element of Chromium that has been shown to be at risk of exploits, rather than any tweak by Google to turn Chromium into Chrome.

Therefore any Chromium-based browser is potentially at risk from the threat, including Edge, Brave, Opera, Slimjet, Vivaldi and Samsung Internet.

So almost everyone needs to check that they've got the latest version of whichever browser they use. (The principal exception is for users of Firefox, which isn't based upon Chromium).

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