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Simple Mobile Phone Infrequent Use

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Khandro | 11:39 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Technology
33 Answers

Is there a nework provider that will allow a person to have a phone which is little used ?  

Most providers seem to lock you out if you don't use it as often as they like. It's fo Mrs K. to have with her when she's out, really in case of an emergency to contact me.




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Tesco has a pay as you go tariff called Lite.  The t&C's state:

Doesn't expire, but you must make a call, send a text, or use some data every 6 months to keep your account active 

So that's not bad, one call or text every six months.


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barry; //That's not enough. The phone must be used to make a call, send a text or use data. //

Maydup's idea is the she gets a reminder once a month on her phone or computer (or even written on a calendar!) an she makes a call to him.

Whether he answers or not I don't think matters.

Khandro, I was answering your post where you would set up a reminder to call your wife's phone.

As with Tesco Lite's t&cs, with most providers that won't keep the SIM card active.  Your wife's phone must send a text or call a number, answered or not doesn't matter

I use my phone very little and am on Tesco Pay As You Go with free credit each time I top up.  I have put £10 on in the past 12 months or so and it has never cut off and taken my credit.  It does take the free credit after a month but still leaves what I have put on.  At one time I only put on £10 in nearly 5 years and it still worked.  Wife uses hers a bit but I prefer landline.

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barry, I see; receiving isn't enough, the phone must send,  though that's not what maydup said - if I understood correctly.

Maydup may have the same plan as bhg, which is no longer available to new customers.  

This link gives the minimum requirements for various providers.

It was last updated Feb 29th this year but best to confirm with the providers' websites.

How come so many of you hardly ever use your mobile phones?  Mine's on the go several times a day both sending and receiving.  Is it because I don't have a landline phone and you do?

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barry; scrolling through Corby's excellent link (thanks!) I found this,

What do you think ?

youl still have to pay roaming charges for calls

Never heard of them, Khandro.  They piggy back off EE, which is good but reviews are mixed

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Oh dear! 

LB - I just don't like using a phone so I avoid it as far as posible.My wife and I both have one so any essential usage is down to her and that is minimal.

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