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JBW1366 | 15:21 Wed 16th Oct 2024 | Technology
4 Answers

Hi, I need to set up an excel spreadsheet - with a tab for everyday day of a working week - which I use as a diary.. and the current day is deleted the next day.

Is there a way, of setting up this automatically, because currently I copy and paste.

Others would like to use this system, is there an easy way for a technophobe?

Thanks in advance



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I did like an identical worksheet on each tab with the date as the tab name, and for excel to create this automatically? Is this possible? 

How many tabs do you need- 7 for the days in a week or 365 for a year?

If it's a manageable number it's easy to copy the same spreadsheet from one tab to another- just click the little triangle to the left of cell A1 to highlight the spreadsheet, right click Copy then right click Paste into the same triangle or into cell A1 on the next tab, then repeat.

jbw, What does the word 'like' signify? Does it mean you would like to create identical worksheets and give each one a different name? Or does it mean you've already created the sheets, and want to name them? (preferably without having to do it by hand).

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