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prison break!!!!!!!!!!! on dvd

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thepickman | 21:41 Mon 20th Mar 2006 | Technology
1 Answers
i love the series prison break and have downloaded every episode in avi format.i want to put these on to a dvd disc but wen i try to do it,it tells me tha they are to big to put on a disc even though they are only 400mb each episode.Has any1 got any ideas of how to do this.thank you


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I think the problem you're having is that your burning prog (probably Nero?) is trying to convert them into DVD format - normally you can only get about 3 episodes per DVD with this method which is why you can't put the whole series onto 1 DVD-compliant disc.

An alternative is to burn them onto a DVD as they are and buy a cheap divx/xvid player - you can get them for less than �30 these days.

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prison break!!!!!!!!!!! on dvd

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