Have you tried the file and transfer wizard?
Using the Files and Settings Transfer WizardThe Files and Settings Transfer Wizard helps you move your data files and personal settings from your old computer to your new one, without having to go through much of the same configuration you did with your old computer. For example, you can take your personal display properties, folder and taskbar options, and Internet browser and e-mail settings from your old computer and place them on the new one. The wizard will also move specific files or entire folders, such as My Documents, My Pictures, and Favorites. Passwords are not moved with program settings when you use the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. This is a feature of the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard that helps to keep your passwords confidential.
We recommend that you install a virus detection program on the new computer before transferring files over from the old computer. This can help protect your new computer from viruses that may be contained in the files transferred over from your old computer.