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my girlfrield is going to peru and does not want to take a mobile phone, whats the best way to stay in touch

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mkjuk | 20:26 Sat 12th Aug 2006 | Technology
4 Answers
we both have access to broadband. Can we use something called skype? how exactly would it work and what are the costs involved? anything else i should need to know such as usage conditions etc

Thanks in advance


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Not too sure about skype as I've never used it however msn messenger is a good way to stay in touch (also is free). If you already have a hotmail account all you need to do is download msn messenger on both computers (takes about a minute). You can then chat just by typing or if you both get a microphone you can then talk to each other. Even better you could get a webcam with built in microphone so you can see each other whilst talking. It's up to you.

If you do not already have a hotmail acount you can set one up here:

And then download msn messenger here: (scroll to the bottom of the page and click on windows live messenger)

Email's your best bet. Sign her up with hotmail or some other web-based email system that she can use from anywhere, and then she'll be able to check her emails over there and talk to you.
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We both have hotmail and msn messenger already but are looking for free or cheap voice communication
Check out skype then, but that'll depend on her lugging a portable skype phone or headset around, and the ability for her to set up on on whatever computer she uses when she's out there (guess it'll be an internet cafe type computer).

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my girlfrield is going to peru and does not want to take a mobile phone, whats the best way to stay in touch

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