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Nokia 6280...

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Loosehead | 12:15 Mon 02nd Oct 2006 | Technology
4 Answers
The book seems very sketchy, just got this phone, can I have MP3's as ringtones? If so what is the best way to transfer an MP3 file from my computer. I cannot install the software that came with the phone because my PC is old! Is there another way? Can I send it somehow? Advice please, thanks


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It has bluetooth, miniSD support and a pop-port connector. It can also play mp3's and aac's as ringtones.

What operating system do you have?

If your OS supports bluetooth, you can buy a bluetooth dongle and transfer things that way. Or you can perhaps buy a usb cable for it, but that may need you to use Nokia's software.

Thirdly, and my chosen way, is to use the miniSD card. If you have a card reader that has an SD slot (for your camear maybe?), you'll be able to use that for the miniSD card too. It should have come with an adapter.
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I have W98SE, I have the memory card + USB connector but I need the software from the disc to install before I can use it.
If you have a card reader then (certainly for me, anyway), you can just open the card up in my computer and it'll have a few folders that the phone has created for you, like "audio", "video" or similar. Just copying the files across like onto a floppy disc will make it readable by the phone, with no other software needed.
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OK thanks I'll give it a try

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