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Olympus camera

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hardy49 | 12:34 Mon 02nd Oct 2006 | Technology
8 Answers
I have an Olympus mju 300 Digital camera.Recently when I tried to take a photograph the lens has not come out when I opened the cover. After trying two or three time the lens does come out and I am able to take photos.I think the battery is ok as I have managed to download pictures.
What can be causing this ?


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Check there's no small bits of dust around the lens parts.
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Will do - thanks
I think mju 300 is an older camera as I have the mju 400 and that is 3 years old nearly and I think the 300 was its predecessor, so it may be that the battery is getting a little tired, try getting the battery checked or see if you can find someone with the same camera and try their battery.

Aren't they just fantastic cameras though?
Question Author
Yes they are brilliant cameras and I hope it is nothing very serious. I guess I will take it to the shop where we bought it.Would a new battery be very expensive ?
I would imagine it would be more likely to be the contacts in the sliding lens cover - my 300 did this when it was only about a year old. Cleaning up the 'running tracks' of the cover solved the problem, though.
whoops... premature posting!

I was going to add that my sliding lens cover had become a bit loose, such that I could actually remove it. (I don't recommend that you try and do this, though !)

However, since it did come off, I was able to see the switching mechanism, give it a bit of a clean, and replace the cover - though it did need a slight bending of the running guide on the cover to stop it wobbling and to make it stay on properly.

I haven't had any probems since.
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Thanks to you all

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Olympus camera

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