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Internet Explorer

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Everhelpful | 11:26 Tue 12th Dec 2006 | Technology
2 Answers
Is it OK to remove IE from Computer as I am sure this is slowing PC down. I am using Mozilla Firefox and wondered if deleting files would affect running of Computer. Many Thanks for any replies.


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just remember some web pages only liked being viewed in IE. I keep IE installed and have a FireFox plugin which allows me to view webpages in an IE Tab within FireFox.
Having IE on the machine will not slow it down.

IE7 CAN be un-installed if you wish.

IE6 CANNOT be un-installed as this is tightly linked to Windows (which has been the subject of various court cases).

The fact that IE6 is tightly coupled with Windows is why some people are having problems when the update to IE7 as this is now an separate program.

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