In November 1944, the Air Fighting Development Unit had recommended that, because of the instability of the first F.21s, not only should the mark be withdrawn from service immediately but no more effort should be made to perpetuate the Spitfire family! Fortunately, the F.21's faults were rectified and both the Spitfire and the Seafire were further developed to the stage where they warranted new names - the Spiteful and the Seafang. These took the design of the Spitfire to its logical conclusion, the tail being enlarged, and the classic ellipitical wing replaced by a straight - taper laminar flow wing. Beautiful and fast though they were, the jet age had arrived with its potential of expanding performance still further, and thus a mere 17 Spitefuls and 18 Seafangs were built, only 11 of the latter actually flying. They were among the fastest propellor driven aircraft ever built, one recording a speed of 494mph.